View Full Version : bank barriers

7th May 2008, 15:23
what % of the bank does most people bring the bank barries into play at ive never had to use them but think that could all change soon

7th May 2008, 16:26
what % of the bank does most people bring the bank barries into play at ive never had to use them but think that could all change soonDepends greatly on the system, especially the SR

7th May 2008, 16:34
You can use the System Manager software to play with different figures, as it is all down to SR, what the size of you bank is, and what you are comfortable losing.

7th May 2008, 20:35
at the moment its the jfp system £300 starting bank wich is at the moment at £210

7th May 2008, 21:24
I'd use between 65%-75% on that one.

8th May 2008, 16:49
what about the johnston and the stout systems what % of bank for barriers both systems with £300 banks

8th May 2008, 17:26
Problem with the Johnston system it can bobble around a bit, and take-off around Royal Ascot time some years, last years monsoon didn't help it, as he took an extra month to hit full speed.

Just set them at 60%-65%, and adjust at the end of the year to what looks the best %

22nd May 2008, 20:50
hi guys just like some info about bank barriers the jfp will need them soon if somebody says set them at 65%for this system is that when your bank stands at 65% or you,ve lost 65% as ive never used them before the above is based on a starting bank of £300

23rd May 2008, 14:55
this is how i do it. I have £200 and my bank barrier is 60% so that means I'm willing for my bank to drop till 60% of it so.......that means Im willing to lose 40%.

£200 * 0.6 = £120

So say you want to risk 40% of your bank then in your case.

£300 * 0.6 = £180 is what your prepared for it to drop to.

Hope this helps.

My JFP has in been in bank barrier mode since 18/04/2008. I got out of it on 14/05/2008 for 1 day or so and now its back in bank barrier ever since. Onwards and upwards.

23rd May 2008, 15:03
yes it does cheers mate.but if say my barrier was £180 and my bank dropped to £175 when the system went back above £180 1 would back 3% of £175

23rd May 2008, 20:24
yep thats correct

24th May 2008, 09:49
yes it does cheers mate.but if say my barrier was £180 and my bank dropped to £175 when the system went back above £180 1 would back 3% of £175No. There is only one bank figure so if the bank goes back above £180 then you back 3% of the bank figure (say £185). The £175 is irrelevant in this case.

24th May 2008, 09:58
If you use the free System Manager software, it does it all for you.

24th May 2008, 12:34
yes but math your back a %of a bank that u havnt got

24th May 2008, 13:07
yes but math your back a %of a bank that u havnt got:doh

You really need to get away from the distinction between a system bank and an amount of cash if you're going to use bank barriers.

Suppose you have a starting bank of £200 and a barrier at £100. The system hits a bad run and the bank drops to £99.99 and the barrier kicks in. You paper trade the next bet using the same staking plan as if it were real, so say 3% of the bank (£99.99) which we'll call £3 here. You hit a 100/1 winner - nice! What's your bank? £99.99 or £399.99? I'll give you a clue - it's the latter. So when you place the next bet the stake is £12, not £3 again. Yes, you may only £99.99 in cash terms but the system bank is at just under £400 and that is what determines the staking.

24th May 2008, 16:51
i understand what your saying mathare but my spreadsheets will be all wrong wont they

24th May 2008, 17:03
i understand what your saying mathare but my spreadsheets will be all wrong wont theyHaving never seen them I can't answer that. If they are wrong, fix them.

24th May 2008, 17:25
Why not use the System Banker software? :doh

You can compare it to your spreadsheet, if they do not match, the spreadsheet is wrong.

24th May 2008, 19:28
what i meant was my spreadsheets are going to be diffrent to what real money i have in my bank with using the barriers

24th May 2008, 20:35
That's right. The difference is the insurance premium you pay for using a barrier.

24th May 2008, 20:47
what i meant was my spreadsheets are going to be diffrent to what real money i have in my bank with using the barriersYes. And?