View Full Version : Cofused!!!!!!

8th June 2008, 10:18
:splapme This is me yes .... seems like i found good system for betting but .... this site seems bit complicated to navigate but i hope my tiny brain will work all this out and i may get a chance to start using my new system.

8th June 2008, 10:41

It's not that complicated really. The forum is broken down into topics such as race tips, race news, football betting etc and within each of those topics people start new threads if they want to start a new conversation or post their thoughts on an existing thread if they have something to add to the discussion. You'll get the hang of it soon enough - you seem to have managed to start a new thread in the right place today :)

8th June 2008, 11:45

Well ... i agree with you that forum is ok .... just that win2win other parts are bit difficult ... eventually i will gete there and may find easyer to search on this site. As i first came to this site i found too much information but it is everywhere plus also all these different sister sites you have to visit to get this and that.
I said excuse my foreign ... that is what i really am :) so i may spell something wrong here :)

8th June 2008, 14:36
No, you can ignore all the 'sister sites' if you are only interested in racing. Just stick with the main W2W page for now until you get to know it well, and this forum page ditto. Ignore all the old posts for now until you get the hang of it. You neednt look at Off Topic and Rant, fo example, if you only want the racing. Look to the right of each section to see the date of the latest posts - it it`s 5 months ago leave it for now. If it`s yesterday or a couple of hours ago take a look.
Go down each section and just ignore what doesn`t interest you. For example, I think I have been a member for about 5 years now and I have never looked at anything to do with greyhounds or general sport.
Oh and whatever you do, ignore Vegy`s tips :yikes::yikes:
Good luck. :hearty

8th June 2008, 17:06
Or just ignore Vegy altogether...it works for most of us :D

18th August 2008, 07:05

18th August 2008, 20:14