View Full Version : Poker software stats

8th June 2008, 18:37
When playing poker who uses Poker Office/Poker Tracker with stats displayed in a HUD over the table?

Right, now what stats do you have displayed? What do you think are the important numbers to have available at a glance?

I have Poker Office (OK, I have Poker Tracker too but I use Poker Office more now) and by default that displays:
No of hands/Saw flop %/Pre flop raise %

Good set of stats or bad set of stats?

I have been thinking about this a little and trying to work out what I'd want to see for each player. I'm not going to go through the full list of what is available, just pick out the ones I think are useful.
1) No of hands - I want to know how big a sample is being used for the player. No good saying he has a pre flop raise % of 100% if it is based on 3 hands is it? As I move up the stakes and the same players crop up more I think this stat can be dropped (perhaps)
2) VPIP% (voluntarily put $ in pot %) - I think this is more meaningful than the percentage of flops they have seen and is a better indicator of tight-loose
3) Pre flop raise % - a measure of how aggressive the player is pre-flop
4) Continuation bet % - does the player routinely make a c-bet in which case does it actually deserve any respect? If they c-bet a lot they must be c-betting when they miss the flop as well as when they hit so they are a candidate for being raised off a hand on the flop

It'd be nice to know how often a player check-raises, bets the flop, steal percentages etc but I am after the key figures that I can display on the HUD that will help me categorise a player in terms of loose-tight and passive-aggressive. Any thoughts?

12th July 2008, 07:37
I use PT3 (Poker Tracker 3) and use the HUD.

I have VPIP (Voluntary Put Into Pot), PFR (Preflop Raise %), AGF (Agression Factor), Hands Played showing and then have a bunch of stats in the pop up.

Fold to C-bet
3 bet
Attempt to Steal

The stats help but watching the play and seeing what they showdown and betsizing is more important imo.

The stats that are going to tell you the most about a players hand range are VPIP and PFR, but as stated what they have shown down is most important as most players are different. You can have a player with stats of 34/4 who although has a small preflop raise percentage is not raising the top 4% of hands and is raising hands like 56s and not AA.

With respect to point 4 on c-betting, and check raising C-bets although a player can have a high percentage of c-bets with many players at lower stakes c-betting 100% of flops you have to conisder board texture and position in which times you check raise.

Competant Players generally raise a tighter range of hands UTG (under the gun) than they do from the button.

A-High boards are not usually good boards to check raise as it is likely to hit your opponents preflop raising range, although paired boards like 772 or K high boards with low cards like K82 are good boards to check raise as they miss alot of your opponents range.

To give an example:

A player playing 20/16 with a 35% attempt to raises on the button you call in the big blind.

The flop comes Q42r.

He has a c-bet % of 100% and bets 2/3 pot.

His range is generally going to miss that flop and much of his range that hits it is going to be unable to call a raise, which makes it a good flop to check raise.

Although a flop such as AK4r hits much of his PFR range and as such would not be a good flop to check raise.