View Full Version : Out of here...

11th June 2008, 09:12
Right, almost time for me to get over to Gatwick and go on holiday for a couple of weeks in the sun in Cyprus. :happyboun

Have fun everyone, and be good. Keith is kindly looking after Auto-Sys in my absence so no worries on that front

See you all when I get back :)

11th June 2008, 09:17
Hope you have a great holiday Mat... plenty of lounging around doing as little as necessary I take it? :thumbs

11th June 2008, 09:40
Keith is kindly looking after Auto-Sys

:yikes: WHO?????

11th June 2008, 21:31
I think he meant me...

Right, before I take over, what does system mean again?

11th June 2008, 21:48
I think he meant me...

Right, before I take over, what does system mean again?

it's the female equivalent of brothem I think :geek

11th June 2008, 21:50
Brothem, the world reknowned Computer manufacturers and ex-sponsors of Manchester City

12th June 2008, 09:07
I think he meant me...

Right, before I take over, what does system mean again?

Don't you mean 'systom'? :doh

22nd June 2008, 17:42
Hope you have a great holiday Mat... plenty of lounging around doing as little as necessary I take it? :thumbsSort of. Lounging around in the sun (or any weather for that matter) ain't my sort of holiday at all. I can't just lie on a sunbed turning black before going out and getting very drunk like a lot of Brits abroad. I need to get out and about, explore the local area and absorb some of the culture. Fortunately there was a lot to do in and around Paphos so it was great for me. That said, there was a lot of sitting around in the hotel room watching Royal Ascot as it got VERY hot out in the sun.

22nd June 2008, 17:55
I'm like that as well - never done a beach holiday and no intention of doing one either... I'd much rather explore and take in the local culture as well.

So, what have you missed? Not much, though I've uploaded tons more music you might like, so have a gander at the downloads and grab what takes your fancy!

22nd June 2008, 18:09
So, what have you missed? Not much, though I've uploaded tons more music you might like, so have a gander at the downloads and grab what takes your fancy!I'm rattling through the 879 new posts and reading here and there. I saw a load of new music in the downloads so I will be grabbing some of it for sure

22nd June 2008, 18:41
If I done a beach holiday I'd be sitting there on my own, as the missus is already brown :splapme

I prefer to wear out the rental car :D

Next plan is to get a Smart car through Death Valley....

22nd June 2008, 20:26
Next plan is to get a Smart car through Death Valley....

Aren't they doing that one on Top Gear, later this year? :laugh