View Full Version : 5 free albums for legal download

11th June 2008, 12:12
John Wesley, guitarist with top prog rock band Porcupine Tree is giving away 5 of his own solo albums for free on his website.... don't know what they'll be like but given his band are pretty damn good these should be interesting!


12th June 2008, 13:44
I've also been listening to these albums... some pretty good stuff in here as well. You get a mix of good melodic rock, some acoustic singer/songwriter style stuff... and all of it good - he has a decent voice and is a very good guitarist... again you can't knock this for a freebie and as it's encoded at 192kps the sound quality is excellent. Oh yeah, on the live tracks there's a nifty cover of Seal's classic single 'Crazy'.

12th June 2008, 14:38
Just downloaded one now, going to work up from the bottom.

12th June 2008, 14:43
going to work up from the bottom.

Vegy's getting all excited now...:wink

12th June 2008, 14:51

Great version of Crazy! Now, are my ears deceiving me or is that Iron Maiden's Wrathchild bass line during the bit with just the drums and bass playing, right before the guitar solo?

12th June 2008, 15:46
is that Iron Maiden's Wrathchild bass line

I'm not sure Matt - hard to make it out on my laptop speakers... I'll have to get it on CD and play it on the hifi.

12th June 2008, 15:58
I'm pretty sure it is having listened a few more times. From about 2.45 to 3.12. But you can hear it quite clearly from about 3.04.