View Full Version : hey guys

25th June 2008, 03:06
hey im 24yo from australia. got plenty of ideas and have spent a while 18 months ago trying to find "the system" that would earn me enough so that i could "retire" and hang out on the beach every day :splapme

have come to realise that i was aiming too high but over the past 3 -6 months i have being doing lots of research and writing computer tools to help me and ive come a long way...i feel like im on the brink of having a system that actually works!

anyway ill prob be asking a few questions soon to get the opinions of those who've been doing this stuff for a lot longer than i have


25th June 2008, 08:48

You need to build up a portfolio of systems rather than just one, lumping all your money in one company in the Stock Market is very high risk is it not? :)

Is Skippy really dead? :yikes:

25th June 2008, 09:13
Is Skippy really dead? :yikes:

Nah, he's livin' it up in a retirement home with Flipper and Lassie.... though, hold on a minute... what's that Skip? Rolf Harris really did tie you down sport, and he did what with his digeridoo and 2 little boys in your pouch? :yikes:

25th June 2008, 14:03

You need to build up a portfolio of systems rather than just one, lumping all your money in one company in the Stock Market is very high risk is it not? :)

yeah i was being greedy/niave/optimisitic/stupid... :ermmm

oh well i learnt from that and come a long way since. i now have ONE whole system and thats for rugby league. it is in its 2nd year and still positive so its a start. more to come though!