View Full Version : 5 Years

2nd July 2008, 22:33
:yikes: it seems iv'e been coming here for 5 years now , there's many a crime i could have commited and been out by now :D but on reflection there are many people who come here that i consider "friends" even though iv'e never met them, a few old faces that i miss and a few i miss arguing with, there have been some great highlights like the vegy and merlin bestseller, the racing sim, that fantastic run we had on the trainer/jockey system, one of big c's systems that i followed that gave some massive priced winners [he'll know which one i mean], the amazing help and advice iv'e recieved over the years and support when i needed it, so here's to the last 5 years and the next 5 :drinkme

3rd July 2008, 02:01
Is it just me or does it seem to have got very quiet on here though?

3rd July 2008, 08:56
...and a big thanks to Piggy for all the input he's given us, on his way to 10,000 posts :ooo :clp, especially for running the Joint Effort, and other comps and giving out prizes.

I wonder how many pork pies he's eaten in that time? :lickme

3rd July 2008, 11:08
I can actually remember signing up to the forum, back in the day. I wish my first post was saved somewhere as it was a classic.

Don't the years fly by:mad:

3rd July 2008, 11:26
5 years and only just over 1300 posts though Mav - been a bit quiet haven't you?

3rd July 2008, 11:27
Just realised I have been here 5 years too and I've clocked up over 19,000!

3rd July 2008, 12:35
So those of us who have been here 5+ years are either great mates.....or just sad gits who need to get out more :D

3rd July 2008, 15:11
5 years and only just over 1300 posts though Mav - been a bit quiet haven't you?

I was going for quality over quantity


3rd July 2008, 15:53
I was going for quality over quantity


And so nearly pulled it off :D

3rd July 2008, 17:16
And so nearly pulled it off :DHe was going to play with his :icon_tong to celebrate 5 years on Win2Win?

3rd July 2008, 17:48
He was going to play with his :icon_tong to celebrate 5 years on Win2Win?

:ermmm No need to lower the tone on this PC forum :Blacklistnonono:


3rd July 2008, 18:17
I passed the 5 year mark back in February... it's been eventful if nothing else! I'm only here for the beer.....

3rd July 2008, 18:52
I passed the 5 year mark back in February... it's been eventful if nothing else! I'm only here for the queer.....

3rd July 2008, 19:27
:laugh subtle edit there Keith

Iron Chris
3rd July 2008, 21:05
Thanks for all your efforts guys...:thumbs

3rd July 2008, 21:20
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 3,392

Scunthorpe :yikes: I thought we'd banned all those rogues :D