View Full Version : sitting out

4th July 2008, 16:18
is it me or does there seem to be a lot more people entering tournys and sitting out, i was playing a $10 no lose on bet365 [250 entered] and at my table 7 where sitting out finally got moved thought thank god for that only to find 6 sitting out at that table ;fire it really ruins the game , do you think there is any way a rule could be made to stop this, if you enter a tourny the least you can do is turn up.

4th July 2008, 17:09
On Ultimate Bet, they had a 15 minute 'window' (in freerolls) and at the end of it the tables were suspended and anyone who isn't online and has not played an active hand is removed from the tournament and tables balanced out. The whole process used to take about 5 mins - bearing in mind that the average number of freeroll entries was 3000+, they wasted little time in eliminating the no-shows.

5th July 2008, 10:06
Depending on where you're sat though it could be a few free chips if you constantly raise their blinds as they will auto-fold. It amazes me that people still call sit-out players though