View Full Version : Tennis - Laura's Win

6th July 2008, 10:37
:thumbs Well done girl, enjoy it while it lasts, as in a year when you play in the main Wimblendon game and fail to win the media will rip you to shreds :ermmm

6th July 2008, 11:38
The media will do their best to destroy her anyway...was just reading when Annabel Croft won this title in 84, she retired 3 years afterwards! Its a bit freakish to be this good at 14 isnt it?! Lookat the girls who have given up lately, Clijisters at 24, Henin at 25! :ermmm

6th July 2008, 11:49
Thing is, she can only hot the ball at 100mph (only :doh), but the big players constantly manage over 120mph, Williams hit 135mph yesterday :yikes: .....so she has a lot of improving to do.

She's only in puberty, she may end up with 66DD yet :laugh