View Full Version : badly played

6th July 2008, 19:04
had pocket 9's and checked which is a straight forward play for me i know the chances of hittng the 3rd which i would proberbly need are about 14/1 ish but if i do i win the hand unless unlucky so sb and bb go with me sb has AA and bb has 56suited clubs flop is 834 and bb now has 3456 suited. i'm sitting thinking i should technically have the top pair unless someone is slowplaying so i bet the pot and both call, which is where it all goes wrong at this point i really should be getting alarm bells which i am but lets see what happens k is turned and bb has made his flush which i know nothing about just seeing the king i should fold but i'm super confident and go all in both guys go all in and i know i'm done for river card is a 9 so i have my set but to no avail out by the flush.
with 2 people left in after the flop and seeing the king turn i should have folded anybody think different.
especially with 3 clubs on the table i didn't really have the chips to put in another raise and see what happens so all in was my only shout if i was gonna play it

6th July 2008, 19:11
come to think of it 99 seems to be my bogey hand at the minute was in the last 20 and looking ok yesterday when got them and went all in to be called by bb with kk got $44 but felt a little unlucky to be against kk or i think i was the bb and a stealer had hit kk yeah thats right he put in a 4k bet and i said up yours and paid the price for going all in. but would do the same again in that situation

6th July 2008, 19:12
What's your position? What's your read on the blinds in terms of loose-tight and passive-aggressive? What are the stack sizes? How big are the blinds?

I don't particularly like the pre-flop limp with 9s unless you're in early position, to be quite honest.

6th July 2008, 21:41
the preflop limp with 99 hopefully will tell me if anybody other then the blinds has a higher pair if so in general they will raise. i'll try and post a screen shot for you matt

6th July 2008, 22:00
Folded round to me in late-mid I think I'd be raising with those 9s unless I have a strong read on the remaining 3 players and expect them to come in to the pot. By limping you give the blinds a chance to come in cheap/free and with a big court card they may just do that.

You had a big enough stack of 2115 with blinds at 75/150 to be able to make a standard raise to 400-500 and ask a question of the blinds. Most of the time you'll pick up the blinds uncontested and add 10% to your stack. In this instance the SB would have at least called anyway.

The pot sized bet on the flop is OK in my opinion. You've still got around 1500 behind which is 10xBB and you're not pot committed really. I would perhaps have gone for 3/4 of the pot, maybe bet out 350 as a feeler. That still denies people on a flush/straight draw the right odds. When you get called in two places you should be concerned.

The SB checks as he is confident he has the best hand is is looking to check-call or check-raise. Either way he expects on the other two of you to bet his hand for him. The BB is on an open-ended straight flush draw with a made flush as back-up and is thinking exactly the same as the SB. If you're gonna bet you have to shove all-in, which you do, but I'm not sure about the bet. You've been called in two places after a pot-sized bet which is a show of strength from them both but they both check. Interesting. The flush card has hit so I'd be tempted to check behind. The 9s are far less likely to be good now, especially as the King came out so you could be behind to King-rag let alone the flush.

If you all check the turn the river is a real stinker for you. Who knows what the SB will have done but the BB would have bet out, or raised had the SB bet out first. At that point you have to bail out. Only if it was checked to me on the river would I shove.

So I would have played it differently pre-flop and on the turn, really.

6th July 2008, 23:29
like i said matt it was bad play on my behalf. Imteresting to see how someone else would have played it thanks for that. the only other way i would have played it would have been all in after the flop. which may or may not have been succesfull. i think i may still be a little over confident after my big win the other day.

7th July 2008, 09:14
the only other way i would have played it would have been all in after the flop.That would have been a big overbet - nearly 2000 into a 450 pot. And as it happens the BB may have called anyway with an open ended straight flush draw as the best you could have had was a set.

If the BB puts you on a set he wants to avoid the board pairing so doesn't want to see a 3, 4, or 8. But with his draws any 2, any 7 or any club is good for him. That's 9 outs for the club draw and 3 more outs each for the 2s and the 7s (only 3 as we don't want to double-count the 2c and 7c). A total of 15 outs then. Let's discount 8c as that pairs the board, which we said he won't want, giving him 14 outs. Then 14 cards are good for him and 6 are bad; the rest are blanks.

With all three of you on that flop you had only a 4.10% chance of winning with the SB having a 41.42% chance and the BB the favourite with 53.49%. But let's assume as I did earlier that only the SB calls your all-in shove on the flop and see how that may have turned out. Without the Aces in there you're now only a small dog to the BB (43.74% v 56.26%). The BB has to call 1965 into a pot of 2415. With 14 outs and two cards to come he needs less than evens to make it an EV+ play so he would have been right to call. He'd also have closed the action and left himself a decent enough stack to come back with had he called and lost.

That's all assuming the SB was able to get away from his bullets on the flop. Without any sort of read on the player I can't be confident in saying that he would fold. You may have ended up all-in on the flop with two callers anyway.

7th July 2008, 12:45
well matt the only other option is to fold on the flop. which basically means the only way i'm going to play 99 is if i hit the set. which is proberbly how i would play it if there were any higher cards flopped and got a raise if everybody played tight i'd lose it all on the river 9. on reflection i'd still go all in after the flop.

7th July 2008, 12:46
got a tourny starting now will let you no how i fair and i how i go out

7th July 2008, 12:52
well matt the only other option is to fold on the flop. which basically means the only way i'm going to play 99 is if i hit the set. which is proberbly how i would play it if there were any higher cards flopped and got a raise if everybody played tight i'd lose it all on the river 9. on reflection i'd still go all in after the flop.I wouldn't fold on that flop. No set = no bet has some truth to it, especially when there are overcards. All in on that flop would have been an option but personally I'd get more aggressive pre-flop.

Good luck in this tourney - let us know how it goes. Oh, and I don't want you to think I'm picking on your play as we all play differently. Just offering up different views :hearty

7th July 2008, 13:04
of course matt i like to hear other peoples opinions and that hand was an interesting one indeed. Just got my first bit of luck and more then doubled up early in this tourny which means i don't really have to play for another hour or so. i should be in after the first break which is always the first target for me.

7th July 2008, 13:05
got 3,500 chips start with 1500 only 315 players left out of 400 blind 15/30 raise every 10 mins

7th July 2008, 13:10
woohoo got lucky 10,10 hit the 3rd on the flop and now have 6,700 chips and flying really need to slow down used to limping for most of the game and opening up once i get into the cash. beat 2 pair in that one. gonna have to get the boxing gloves out to stop me playing any hands

7th July 2008, 13:11
my position is 4th far too early to be in these dizzy heights

7th July 2008, 13:18
got AA now 2nd 250 left had to rip the boxing gloves off for that one

7th July 2008, 13:56
first break and i'm 11th 150 left if i make it to the next break should be in the cash which is the next objective

7th July 2008, 15:05
2nd break and made the cash but the damn table just let me lose a bb then move me straight into another 3,500 chips lost and now could be in trouble

7th July 2008, 15:11
luck deserted me in the end out in 35th beaten by constantly being moved into the bb i think 4 times this happened what a joke the table balancing is at times well made $24