View Full Version : Fascinating Argument

30th July 2008, 12:52
I'm not sure if I can post a link (or name) other sites but I came across a strange 'confrontation' between one of those system reviewers and a fairly well known purveyor of such a system.

The reviewer is Iain Lewington (bettingsystemreviews.co.uk) and he's evaluating the 5 Star Tipster system.

Would also be interested if anyone else has experience of either of these guys.

30th July 2008, 13:15
All I know is I've been getting a lot of spam from the guy selling that 5 star system... as much chance of me buying it as there is of me starring in the Bolshoi Ballet....

30th July 2008, 13:25
I know, the emails keep coming. Don't think it would ever my type of system anyway as basically you need to spend (potentially) your entire day either in a betting shop or online. And even on a weekend this is neither appealing or possible.

30th July 2008, 13:29
Exactly, fine if you're at home all day otherwise a no-no. I would be OK putting in the work if I knew it was going to bear fruit, but I'd need to see long term results and be able to try it on paper for some time before going for it with any real money, and I doubt he'd give you a years free trial!

30th July 2008, 14:26
That's absolutely hilarious Topman. It basically looks like a stop at a winner system, then he threatens the reviewer that he'll send the boys around when he questions it - brilliant stuff!

31st July 2008, 14:19
Iain Lewington is an absolute :icon_tong and a conman, i joined his tipster service abacusracing a couple of years back and went on to lose quite a hefty sum of money in a trading scam that he ran, i was stupid and gullible i know but its a lesson learnt.

1st August 2008, 15:55
I don't know a whole lot about Iain Lewington but would take a peek at his website every so often. I find his reviews interesting but would have no interest in signing up with him.

Although at the moment, he is giving his 'tips' for free and they are going quite well!