View Full Version : Last one - it makes a nice change

9th August 2008, 16:12

Dealer: Hand #7575110442
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY posts the small blind of 50
Dealer: 8pockets8 posts the big blind of 100
Dealer: You have been dealt [Ac Ah]
Dealer: fullpackages folds
Dealer: The Gambit10 calls 100
Dealer: mewritegood folds
Dealer: BOsox2114 folds
Dealer: snowflakes65 calls 100
Dealer: MACHINE8 folds
Dealer: sik100 folds
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY raises to 350
Dealer: 8pockets8 calls 250
Dealer: The Gambit10 calls 250
Dealer: snowflakes65 has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: snowflakes65 calls 250
Dealer: The flop is [Kd 6c 5h]
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY bets 350
Dealer: 8pockets8 raises to 700
Dealer: The Gambit10 folds
Dealer: snowflakes65 folds
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY raises to 1,050 - maybe I should've put him all in here, but I didn't want to scare him off!
Dealer: 8pockets8 raises to 3,413, and is all in
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY calls 2,363
Dealer: 8pockets8 shows [Kh Qs]
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY shows [Ac Ah]
Dealer: The turn is [8d]
Dealer: The river is [6h]
Dealer: 8pockets8 shows two pair, Kings and Sixes
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY shows two pair, Aces and Sixes
Dealer: IAMJOHNNY wins the pot (8,226) with two
pair, Aces and Sixes