View Full Version : finally

14th August 2008, 14:29
its been a tough month so far on the mtt's just managed my first final table today with a 5th place finish and $140 prize to put me 40 quid in profit for the month so far finally sucummed with my qq getting beat by the chip leaders AA.

14th August 2008, 14:57
That's $140 more than Vegy :)

Profit Seeker
17th August 2008, 10:59
Do u lot only play european sites? Dunno why you're not all on Stars, candy from a baby that place n tournies fill up in nano seconds.

17th August 2008, 23:52
Poker Stars looks absolutely naff. Hate the look and feel of the tables, so old fashioned, and really unclear what's going on because of all the colours and unnecessary details.

Profit Seeker
27th August 2008, 10:35
Oh agree with that defo. But u can change it completely. Goto options and choose theme. I use the 'hyper-simple' theme...cos I'm err hyperly simple? :doh Anyway turn off the avatars too and select 4 colour deck..now see the difference, virtually everyone uses this theme. But there's plenty of others to choose also.

27th August 2008, 10:49
Urgh - 4 colour decks are horrible. I can't use them.

Profit Seeker
27th August 2008, 10:51
I didn't like them at first but get used to it and helps for missing flushes when multitabling or not concentrating 100%.

27th August 2008, 11:25
I really don't agree with 4 colour decks. If you're not concentrating enough to see a potential flush, or multitabling so much that you miss it then you need to give the game more attention. Missing flushes is a warning sign that you're not on top of your game and should either refocus or give up for that session. By using a four colour deck you lose that warning system and may continue to play on when you should really quit

27th August 2008, 11:40
i once saw a pro tourny on tv and a guy didn't spot he had a flush and folded

27th August 2008, 22:46
4 coloured decks are a must in my opinion. Why give yourself the opportunity to make a mistake? Eliminating one possible barrier to success seems a no brainer to me. All online pro's will use 4 colour decks.

And pokerstars is great, especially the 180 seat $4, $12 and $22 tourneys. Just got 2nd in a $12 for $396

27th August 2008, 22:52
I just find 4 colour decks a massive distraction. My mind wanders as I internally seethe at the silly colours and I lose concentration. Give me a standard 2 colour deck every day