View Full Version : Annette Obrestad

12th September 2008, 20:11
From Wikipedia:

Annette Obrestad (born September 18, 1988) is a Norwegian poker player. Obrestad is the youngest person to ever win a World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet and in 2007 was considered to be one of the best online multi-table tournament players in the world.


I find everything I've read about her so far absolutely incredible, and I only found out about her today from my work mate who got sent a nice free poker mag in the post with a big article on her.

She won an online tournament by covering up her cards for every single hand and ONLY playing position, taking reads on each player from start to finish.

She's at the old age of 20 now...

Anyone heard of her?

12th September 2008, 21:49
Heard about when she won the WSOP Europe main event. Seems to get lucky but who doesn't to win a tournament. Think she has been near the top of the online poker tournament leaderboard for the last few years.

You can watch her win the WSOP Europe event on pokertube if you want to see more about her. She plays really aggressive and is also sponsored by Betfair.

13th September 2008, 09:11
I was watching a yankee channel last night, replaying the Aussie Million, and some 17 year lad had won a bracelet this year. :thumbs

13th September 2008, 09:22
Anyone heard of her?Anyone heard of the WSOPE main event winner? Anyone heard of the first female to win the main event? Anyone heard of the youngest main event winner?

Really John, keep up fella.

13th September 2008, 10:30
Next he'll be telling us he'd like to give Kathy Liebert one ::hump :yikes:

13th September 2008, 13:03
I don't have time to follow much poker news Mat, other people's successes don't interest me all that much either - so that's enough from you thanks.

13th September 2008, 13:24
I don't have time to follow much poker news Mat, other people's successes don't interest me all that much either - so that's enough from you thanks.Just seemed odd to me that you'd only just heard of her almost a year after she rocketed to fame in the poker world

13th September 2008, 14:41
I heard of Lewis Hamilton absolutely ages after everyone else knew who he was... it was after then that I really started to get into the Grand Prix, only recently in fact.

It's not uncommon not to know about stars whose sports you don't follow. I couldn't give you the name of more than a couple of boxers or rugby players from the top of my head, whereas I could reel of many tennis players and what they've won.

Anyway, that aside, I find it incredible that someone so young can win so much so quickly.

13th September 2008, 14:49
It's not uncommon not to know about stars whose sports you don't follow. I couldn't give you the name of more than a couple of boxers or rugby players from the top of my head, whereas I could reel of many tennis players and what they've won.But do you play rugby or box as a hobby? You play poker as a hobby and are involved in the gambling world so I assumed you'd have heard of her before now. She's been all over the Betfair advertising for the WSOPE.

Anyway, that aside, I find it incredible that someone so young can win so much so quickly.In a way I agree but I also wonder why we find it so surprising. She's been playing online for several years, and playing a lot too, so it's to be expected that she's played hundreds of thousands of hands and has the equivalent experience of someone much older who was brought up on the live poker scene rather than online poker. With that in mind is it so amazing that she's done what she has?

Big tournament poker requires a lot of luck and some of the big winners are never heard of again. Whether we will still be talking about Annette Obrestad in a few years remains to be seen.

13th September 2008, 21:47
never heard of her

13th September 2008, 22:37
never heard of herSilax - and John I guess - do you read (or have you read) much in the way of poker literature? Strategy books, poker magazines etc.

13th September 2008, 23:03
No. Better?

14th September 2008, 01:24
Silax - and John I guess - do you read (or have you read) much in the way of poker literature? Strategy books, poker magazines etc.

14th September 2008, 08:50
Have you read anything by the Tweenies yet? :rolleyes:

14th September 2008, 09:45
Have you read anything by the Tweenies yet? :rolleyes:

who :doh

14th September 2008, 09:56
No. Better?There was nothing wrong with me but nice of you to enquire after my health anyway.

You seem rather uptight John. I was trying to find out more about you and where you're coming from with poker. Is it a casual hobby or something you're investing a lot of time and effort in? You never know, maybe I could help you improve your game if you wanted. Maybe I don't have anything to say that would benefit you at all but neither of us know that for sure. I'm trying to find out if you're receptive to new poker strategy - I could suggest a few books etc that may help your results but there's no point if you're just interested in playing poker for a bit of fun. I don't know how you view poker and am trying to find that out so that maybe I could help you make more money from it. Is that so wrong?

14th September 2008, 10:09
you have to understand john is frustrated he's spent the whole weekend looking for a woman in a tube

14th September 2008, 10:14
you have to understand john is frustrated he's spent the whole weekend looking for a woman in a tube:laugh

14th September 2008, 13:49

No, that isn't wrong at all, but that's got nothing to do with the initial comment you made about me not knowing who Annette Obrestad was, which I found quite insulting to be honest. You could've replied with, "Yes actually, she's so-and-so" but instead you went for the "You're so stupid for not even knowing who she is ESPECIALLY given you play poker ALL the time" response.

In answer to your other question, poker isn't just a bit of fun for me. It's probably one of the things I take most seriously hobby-wise in my life at the moment - not that I like to call it a hobby as it's more than that. I'm always trying to learn and improve my game, maybe try out some different strategies, for sure... now we're going off on a bit of a tangent here to the original thread topic but nevertheless I hope that gives you an idea as to where I'm coming from.

One thing I picked up this week, and this would probably benefit you Silax - start being very aggressive if you're not already when it comes to approaching the bubble in large MTTs. Everyone will be folding in the hope of reaching the money, so take advantage here and make serious moves stealing blinds from weak minded players.

14th September 2008, 14:07
No, that isn't wrong at all, but that's got nothing to do with the initial comment you made about me not knowing who Annette Obrestad was, which I found quite insulting to be honest. You could've replied with, "Yes actually, she's so-and-so" but instead you went for the "You're so stupid for not even knowing who she is ESPECIALLY given you play poker ALL the time" response.I just found it staggering that you hadn't heard of her given what she has achieved is all. The timing of it all struck me too as it's nearly a year since she rocketed to fame.

In answer to your other question, poker isn't just a bit of fun for me. It's probably one of the things I take most seriously hobby-wise in my life at the moment - not that I like to call it a hobby as it's more than that. I'm always trying to learn and improve my game, maybe try out some different strategies, for sure... now we're going off on a bit of a tangent here to the original thread topic but nevertheless I hope that gives you an idea as to where I'm coming from.OK. Do you buy/read strategy books or magazines? Contribute to poker forums? Post hand histories? Track your play with Poker Office/Tracker? All just trying to work out where you're coming from.

One thing I picked up this week, and this would probably benefit you Silax - start being very aggressive if you're not already when it comes to approaching the bubble in large MTTs. Everyone will be folding in the hope of reaching the money, so take advantage here and make serious moves stealing blinds from weak minded players.You need to be careful with that approach. It's recognised as the right play as long as your targets are medium stacks and not the smallest or largest stacks as they are likely to call your steal attempts.

14th September 2008, 14:13
Hi John, she blogs for a site I work for:


15th September 2008, 03:54

Time will tell how good she is, but she has been towards the top of the online tournament rankings for the last few years and followed up her WSOPE main event win with a 2nd place at the EPT Dublin for ~$400k. With the amount of luck in tournaments she is probably getting alot more credit than she currently deserves as do most people who win big tournaments.

15th September 2008, 17:23
I was watching a yankee channel last night, replaying the Aussie Million, and some 17 year lad had won a bracelet this year. :thumbs

very unlikley (unless it was in a raffle) as you need to be at least 18 to enter a casino. In America it's 21 so Annette cannot even play over there yet.

I have heard of her, watched her and played against her. She is ultra aggressive and quite happy to make huge calls (even if she thinks she is behind) if the pot odds ae even remotely in her favour. She is definitely not afraid to lose.

15th September 2008, 17:35
A 21-year old Russian won the Aussie Millions this year I think