View Full Version : Silax

27th September 2008, 15:56
Okay! Need some advice. I'm 18th out of 32 players remaining from 90 who started - that includes the tournament leader sat two seats to my left.

Made the 1 hour break. Need some advice. Stack is 8,088. Blinds are 200/400, Ante 50.

Any advice Mr MTT Superhero, would be appreciated. Thanks... :D

27th September 2008, 16:11
3/22, just hit trip Jacks then QQ.

Blinds 400/800, Ante 100


27th September 2008, 16:34
Bubbled out in 14th with AJs. :(

28th September 2008, 12:56
a little late in seeing this john you're 3rd with 22 left slow play the table and wait for the final table you have the chips to make it definatly don't play AJ (hindsight is wonderful).
only hands you should be thinking about playing inthis position is AA or KK if you can see the flop cheaply enough or maybe AK if you get to see a cheap flop.
let the other guys play the game.
thats the way i would have played it anyway you did the hard stuff got yourself in a great position your work is done till the final table. its no shame going onto the final table with the shortest stack the positive thing about haveing the shortest stack at the final table is every hand you win is a double up. just sitting there waiting you may get pocket AA and if you lose with that its very bad luck a win will give you more chips for the final table

28th September 2008, 13:02
ok lets take the first post you're 18th with 32 players left you need 1 double up to make the final table you can let your stack drop to 4-5000 chips which could be 30 hands you get to see. Hopefully you will hit a nice one the earlier the better but no great shake if you have to wait. at 4000 chips depending on what place you're in and how many left you're either limping to the bubble or bust / boom time.

28th September 2008, 13:03
getting to the bubble is the object then the final table then a position as high as possible

28th September 2008, 14:55
Thanks very much for your thoughts mate. Off out now but will be back later with some words, cheers.