View Full Version : Mandelson

3rd October 2008, 19:28
So he's back.....7 years since last time :ooo

After a year of failure, Brown's cabinet now consists of mostly Blair pals :laugh

9th October 2008, 21:29
Funny thing is he and Brown used to be big pals, he has been around a long time, I think it was Kinnock who brought him in as communications director.He is a good politician and I think he will add value to the cabinet. Yes, he is slippery and slightly creepy but I doubt Brown would have made the presentational mistakes he has made recently if Mandleson had been in his ear. He knows all the cronies in Europe, thats what is needed in that job, he might as well be named the Secretary of state for Networking. That is what Brown has brought him in for, the public wont even notice him and in the background he will be plotting and smarming away like the politician he is.

9th October 2008, 21:38
Couldn't agree more TH, no doubt he is a top notch politician... he knows the game inside out and he's far better employed on your side than against you. Rather him than Alistair Campbell!

9th October 2008, 21:59
He has known Brown longer than anyone and vice versa. He will also know exactly what Cameron/Gove/Osbourne/ex News of world hack are thinking and how to neutralise them as they are basically apeing the Mandleson/Blair/Brown/Campbell axis in the 90's without the stroppy chancellor as Osbourne realises at moment he is too lightweight to be leader.

THis is what Brown should have been doing last year. Getting people in who know how to fight the Tories and at the same time dividing and ruling his internal opponents. He was able to appoingt his big ally Nick Brown as Chief whip but it was unnoticed due to Mandleson appointment. His job will be to crush any plotting that might happen again and Brown can trust him to do it. Brown was too busy trying to finish of the Tories last summer and took his eye off the ball. I really think he now knows what he has to do and will look the better for it as his party will have discipline reimposed on itself.

WHether it will be enough to win an election is another matter, but this economic crisis and serious politics shopuld be enough to make the Tories have to work a bit as they will just look like clowns if they repeat the same old stuff about dithering and bottling. They have to stop dithering themselves and tell people what they will do now that the rules have so dramatically changed.

10th October 2008, 09:07
Dithering, repetitive and no policies....sounds like the 2 US candidates :splapme

10th October 2008, 09:49
Seems to me all parties have the same goals. To prove that the 'system' is there to be 'turned-over' and that the electorate is there to pick up the tab.

They are self-serving megalomaniacs who have been placed in a position of 'mistrust' and all they really care about is inflating their egos and their already over-stuffed wallets.

Few of their policies work and there's no 'One size fits all' manifesto, for the long-suffering electorate to choose from. They are so far up one anothers' sleeves, they don't give a damn for the country or us, without whom they couldn't function.
How nice of them!
Now no more politics from me because it's lovely when I stop worrying over it. :headbange:headbange

21st October 2008, 20:40
You got to laugh, Mandleson is indeed the prince of Darkness.

If you play dirty with Mandleson who will cut you up. I dont like Mandleson much, he aint my cup of tea but I loathe George Osbourne as he thinks HE is the new Peter Mandleson and he aint as clever as he thinks.

Osborne has been telling tales and trying to be clever, and acting like the upper class twit he is. Its all a storm about nothing but its nice to see him get a smacked bum. He dont like eating dirt and how uncomfortable does he look. Mandleson meanwhile just works the forces in the background and its water off a ducks back to him.

21st October 2008, 21:00
One day he could be the countries No.1 Banker......Spelling!!!!! :rolleyes: