View Full Version : Not so pretty in pink.....

22nd November 2008, 16:19
Another nail in the coffin of the modern-day Premiership footballer as Arsenal's Nicholas Bendtner takes things to extremes as he "models" a pair of pink boots at Eastlands today.


22nd November 2008, 17:17
We have cricket teams wearing pink :yikes: ......The Chelsea goalie dressing like a motorway beacon......

22nd November 2008, 17:22
Do you think the WAGS have been exerting a bit too much influence over these guys.... are we going to see Chelsea sponsored by Vivienne Westwood, Man Utd by Jean Paul Gaultier, and Orient by George at Asda?

22nd November 2008, 17:41
...and Liverpool by whatever designer stuff they managed to nick on that day :D

22nd November 2008, 18:26
It's bad enough Franck Ribery wearing them but at least he has ability.

If you are an untalented Nicholas Bendtner who even gets stick from his own fans, it is somewhat ill-judged to attract further attention in this way.

"Net" result - 3-0 defeat.

"Shocking" pink. :)

22nd November 2008, 23:14
Nothing wrong with Pink if you ask me! :D

22nd November 2008, 23:23
I'm with Vegy on this one... can't really see the problem with the fact that the boots are pink... they're obviously amazing boots so who cares what colour they are?!

I don't wear any pink myself but there are an increasing number of males who do... and to my astonishment there are a lot of people who have so much to say about it... and it's just a flipping colour! :rolleyes:

22nd November 2008, 23:49
We have pink Friday in our office. :D

Everyone has to wear something with pink in it, or else there's a pound fine.

Our fine har currently stands at £350 quid. We're gonna have a great night on that! :D

22nd November 2008, 23:51
We did 'wear it pink' for breast cancer support, but we don't stretch to pink every week.

Must be great going out for after work drinks on a Friday in your place. :laugh

23rd November 2008, 09:53
I used to wear a 'coral' shirt in the 80's.....I must have looked like Dale Winton on a stag night out :yikes: