View Full Version : A rather large bet!

2nd December 2008, 15:19
Whilst odds watching today on betfair I noticed that a 9.5 odd horse dropped all the way down to 6.7 in one foul swoop- im assuming that it must have been just one very large bet that was placed on it- perhaps about 10 grand or so- from there on i knew i was in trouble (even before the race started) for my lay bet that I had placed on it as I assumed that someone somewhere knew something about this horse, maybe somebody that is in close contact with a trainer etc.

Has anyone else had a lot of experiences with these lightning odds movers- I know that the odds shifting horses dont nessesarily make them profitable after they have shifted- but this big shift which looks like it was one massive bet seemed to me like it was almost certainly going to win, which it did fairly comfortably.

2nd December 2008, 17:47
There is a swearword filter for a reason. Please don't try to by pass it.

2nd December 2008, 18:31
As a point of interest why is there is a swearing filter. This is a gambling website for adults so why is swearing barred?

I'm not saying it should be allowed - I'm just interested to know why it isn't.

2nd December 2008, 19:03
This is a gambling website for adults so why is swearing barred?
Because it is a civilised public forum, not a Betfair plonker forum. Policy has worked well on all my forums for 8 years, and brings in the majority of folk who do not think swearing is normal English (even though I do :wink). You'll notice the daily newspapers are not full of swearing, as they are for the public.

If you look at the graph for the horse you'll see when big bets go in, and you get plenty of them. Some of mine can move the markets, but they generally settle back down again, but that depends on what time you put it on.

2nd December 2008, 19:29
I can move the price of a horse so easily when I am trading. A £500 back or lay on a horse trading any higher than about 6.0 can have a massive effect.

I was trying to trade on a horse yesterday when somebody jumped in front of me with £11k. The price dropped like a stone for about 30 seconds and then slowly pushed back to near where it had been.

2nd December 2008, 19:32
I was trying to trade on a horse yesterday when somebody jumped in front of me with £11k.
:yikes: You spying on me?? :ooo

2nd December 2008, 20:17

2nd December 2008, 20:24

It may have been my gardener putting his Xmas bonus on it :rolleyes:

2nd December 2008, 22:24
There is a swearword filter for a reason. Please don't try to by pass it.

I shall talk more cautiously:thumbs in future

3rd December 2008, 00:29
Not to be a moaning Michael, but I would have to agree with Barrelmaniac about the swearing. For instance, why is a fuming 'emoticon' face any better a way of expressing your emotions than an actual word? In my opinion swearing amongst adults is not offensive, abusive language of another forum member is another matter entirely, but using a swear words to emphasise your point is surely fairly harmless stuff.

Mind you, some people are very easily offended ....although I'm not sure I would want to hear their views to be honest.

3rd December 2008, 10:11
Mind you, some people are very easily offended ....although I'm not sure I would want to hear their views to be honest.
So you'd be happy with your parents, and grandparents coming on here if it was full of swear words? As most folk here are parents, and grandparents!

People's minds formulate the meaning of a graphic in a different way (as with art), whereas a swear word is blatantly what it is, and society is screwed enough these days without adding to its demise.

I bet I swear more than you lot put together, but I know the time and place to use it, and a public forum is not that place as I prefer to show respect to others whether they swear themselves or not.

3rd December 2008, 16:06
Yeah, it all comes down to personality I suppose. For instance, I think it's quite funny some of the stuff on betfair, others think it's just inane. Although I realise that if you have to come down on one side of the fence or other, you have to err on the side of caution.
I've dropped in and out of this forum for years now and it has some of the best contributors by far and certainly no better forum if you have a question that needs to be answered.
It seems like the tipping aspect has subsided in recent years/months or am I just looking in the wrong place? The pro bets, max bets for horse racing etc. I used to really enjoy that aspect and often would have a bet based on the opinion of contributors who I respected.

3rd December 2008, 18:45
Everyone seems to be more busy lately to post bets...probably hanging onto jobs by the fingernails.......