View Full Version : Auto sys, wrong day???/

5th December 2008, 12:01
Just been checking the auto sys update today which says that its been updated on the 5/12/08 but all the selections are for the 31/11/08 ...... :ooo

5th December 2008, 12:16
Just been checking the auto sys update today which says that its been updated on the 5/12/08 but all the selections are for the 31/11/08 ...... :ooo

From Mat;

"Auto-Sys broken thanks to the Racing Post. Will return in the new year, all being well."

5th December 2008, 12:27
If you read the notice that has been added to the Auto Sys pages it says "updates will now be between 11:45am-12:00."

This week the updates haven't been available until just before mid-day, so give it until then to see if the correct qualifiers appear.

5th December 2008, 13:02
yep all fine, sorry for making a fuss, it just confused me when it seemed like the wrong day was updated, and I'm easily confused at the best of times anyway

5th December 2008, 16:42
Auto-Sys is not what it was. Keith and I are working hard to provide the qualifiers in some form each day but it's not as easy as it was, not at all.

I used to do the qualifiers about 9am on a weekday as I had managed to rearrange my working day to give me a few minutes at that time to manage Auto-Sys. Unfortunately the qualifiers are now not available until around 11.30am to midday and I have far less free time then. Often I am not available at all, as today when I was on a training course. But I would have been able to do them around 9am using Auto-Sys if only it still worked.

The RP have really screwed things up!!

Plans are being made to improve things going forward, including me rewriting Auto-Sys from scratch. But expect the service to be slightly rocky till into the new year.

5th December 2008, 16:58
As long as 'rocky' is profit, who cares? :)