View Full Version : Am i Missing something ?

21st February 2009, 10:50
Hi All,

again being fairly new to this i think im doing something wrong:omg:,
i have updated my membership today with the 3 month gold option.
I use my PC at home but my mobile phone internet acces during the week, i have bookmarked the members page on both but when i go back into it, i have to go through the password page again ? is this normal or am i being stupid :splapme(please be gentle with that comment) Thanks

21st February 2009, 11:33
That is now normal. We recently updated the membership script to simplify it.

Easy way is to store the password in a TXT file on the comp, and cut'n'paste it, and store it as a 'contact' on the mobile. If you have 'Remember passwords' on in your browser, you should only need enter it once on the PC.

21st February 2009, 12:10
will do.:thumbs