View Full Version : BetTrader Review

18th April 2009, 10:09
Having had time during the last few days to review the BetTrader software I can highly recommend it.

The interface is clear, and easy to understand, for the beginner, and has all the information a pro-trader needs on one screen (I use 2 for Betangel Pro).

Having checked out the support side, Adam responds to questions quickly, although obviously don't expect an answer for a while if you email at 2am! :splapme

This is not a betting bot, but a means to trade simply & quickly on Betfair, and in fact although I'll still be using Betangel Pro to use the bot to fire in the trades, I manually exit them, and will probably use BetTrader for this job in the future.

Supplied with the software are around 20 videos on how to use it, so you have no excuses.

Not only that, an excellent bonus is they supply you with videos on how to trade, and don't charge you a penny for them.

You can watch one of the videos now > Click Here (http://www.racingtraders.com/main.aspx?a=1125&r=http%3a%2f%2fwww.racingtraders.com%2fBetfair_Trading%2fHowToTradeOnBetfairOne3800%2fHowToTradeOnBetfairOne3800_media%2fHowToTradeOnBetfairOne3800.wmv&l=38)
(Depending on your computer setup this may play, or require downloading first. Make sure you have 40 minutes free time!)

One video you MUST watch is "Betfair Trading Using Advanced Coin Flipping and Guesswork Techniques". This shows you a trading secret most pro-traders would not want you to know! Basically that your trade entry point can be random, and you still profit.

The most important about this software is it is FREE so no reason not to download it and give it a go > Visit BetTraders (http://www.racingtraders.com/main.aspx?a=1125&r=http%3a%2f%2fwww.racingtraders.com&l=26)

So their must be a catch right? Not really, you can trade via Betfairs API at no cost using the Grid in the software (that is the screen similar to Betfairs).

Oh, while I remember, YOU MUST USE A SEPERATE ACCOUNT FOR TRADING. You can set one up > BETFAIR (http://ads.betfair.com/redirect.aspx?pid=68&bid=1861) (You usually get a free £10-£25 bet as well)

If you wish to use the part of the software that the pro-traders use, the Ladders, then you do have to pay, but the costs are small in relation to what you earn, and this is to cover the companies costs for Betfair allowing use of the API (Betfairs entrance!) Betfair charge a decent wad for that.

Why use the Ladders, you'll find out in the videos, but basically they give you an instant eye view of the first 3 in the betting which take the most money, and therefore effect the whole market. Betting markets always try and reach 100%, so if the Fav is moving down the ladder, more than likely one of the others will start going up....time to LAY and trade. :thumbs

I highly recommend this software for anyone wanting to make money from trading. If you are new to it, use £2 stakes until you prove for at least a week you can make money from it. And don't give up after failures, LEARN FROM THEM.

Watch ALL the video's on the site, and then watch them again after you have tested it out yourself. You WILL lose money when you start, but the returns once mastered can be very high.

eruptive plot
26th April 2009, 10:06
i downloaded the free software yesterday and was impressed with what it can do,but one thing i dont understand is the times of events when placing bets through the program.
they are an hour out,for example if i get up todays 14.00 at ludlow,it is showing 13.00 on the program.
obviously it is set to gmt.are there any settings or updates to display bst?

26th April 2009, 10:10
You need to set British Summertime in the Settings.

26th April 2009, 11:34
I forgot to put this on the forum but I told Keith the other day that the little green H button on Bet Trader is just about my biggest friend at the moment.

This software is definitely worth downloading and playing with. They used to do a free trial of the ladder interface which I enjoyed but it's no different really to many other programs that use a ladder.

For me, the biggest plus is the Hedge function and the bookmaking tool (which I use in Bet Angel now and then but I prefer the Bet Trader version).

26th April 2009, 17:07
Are you sure it can be used on betdaq?

When running the program it asks for betfair user name add password.

26th April 2009, 17:14
Are you sure it can be used on betdaq?

Maybe I was dreaming! :helper

eruptive plot
28th April 2009, 21:07
doubled my betting bank in a few days.
god i love this software::hump

29th April 2009, 01:13
downloaded it yesterday, just waiting for some time off to watch all the demo videos:omg:
22p up today from having a play around and learning a bit, gotta start somewhere !!!:thumbs

29th April 2009, 08:38
Just remember, NEVER let the trade go in-running, and get in/out quickly, the longer you are in, the more likely you'll lose.

29th April 2009, 09:03
learning slowly, but very informative website with the software as you mentioned in your review.:thumbs

eruptive plot
29th April 2009, 21:39
used it to bet "in running":ermmm hoping the odds would fall lower than i bet
got my fingers burnt "ouch"
god i hate this software

29th April 2009, 21:43
Just remember, NEVER let the trade go in-running, and get in/out quickly, the longer you are in, the more likely you'll lose.


I tested the bookmaking bit in-running and made £8 :thumbs

eruptive plot
30th April 2009, 05:24
sorry boss,never read your previous post until my fingers got burnt.
its a horrid feeling watching a horse drift.i made the mistake of not cutting my losses early and paid the price dearly with £100 bets,losing £80 twice;fire

30th April 2009, 08:45
If you'd watched all the video's it also covers on in-running......however....we all have to do a major cockup once just to see what ::swear up really is like! :omg:

1st May 2009, 01:06
still in my first few days of using it but made a few quid today off small stakes,:thumbs
is it worth paying for the minutes at my early stage or do i concentrate on the grid first before moving to the ladder ?

Street cry
1st May 2009, 08:00
get ladder asap imo

1st May 2009, 15:37
i will give it a go

1st May 2009, 16:08
My finger twitched when I was moving the mouse and placed an unwanted trade :yikes: ......luckily got out with a tick loss :splapme