View Full Version : Something New - Daily Topic

1st May 2009, 10:37
In order to get us all chatting I am going to post a daily topic.
It will be something floating around in the news, could be serious could be trivial and the idea is that you all respond to it.:happyboun

Todays Daily Topic -
Ryan Air - Fat Tax.

Ryanair are considering charging a fat tax after more than 100,000 people voted in favour of it.
One idea is to tax male passengers over 130 kg, and female passengers over 100kg.

It is not discriminatory because it is a safety issue.

I am all in favour of this but not quite this way.
We have to pay for extra weight in our luggage , since the population got generally heavier the luggage allowance went down so it makes sense to me.

I would actually go about it a different way.
A combined passenger / luggage weight.
If they had a set weight those who weigh less could take more luggage, those who are heavier would have to take less luggage or pay per kg.
Plus it gives the heavier ones an option if they are happy to take less luggage then they wil not have to pay anything.

1st May 2009, 10:55
A combined passenger / luggage weight.
I said that the other day on the Filipino forum......are we married? :ooo

1st May 2009, 11:06
As a alightly overweight fella, I can only see this from preventing overweight people using the airline.

Mopst overweight people aren't proud to be overweight.

We don't enjoy not being able to fit through metal detectors straight on!

We don't enjoy having to breath in to fit at the tables at Wimpy.

We aren't happy about being told you can't go on the rollercoster at theme parks because the security bar won't close due to your rotundness.

We don't enjoy stopping people walking down the left side of the escalator because we take up the whole thing.

We don't enjoy always getting through to wrong numbers because our fat fingers can't be made to press singular numbers on phones.

We definitely do not enjoy getting wedged in rotating doors.

And so I can not see how people like me will be prepared to go on an airline and pay for my excessive weight with everyoine staring and wondering how much we've paid! Standing there sniggling and snorting to themselves wondering how much extra we've had to pay. Taking bets on exactly how much we have paid.

So no, I don't approve!

1st May 2009, 11:13
There is a problem with the combined passenger/baggage allowance though. Passengers are generally able to move under their own steam; it is their body parts that have to bear their weight. But with baggage it is loaded/unloaded by someone other than the passenger so there is a safety at work issue with bags over a certain weight as they then become a 2-man lift. Yes, you could have multiple bags but is that practical for most people as you have to manipulate them around the airport, between the airport and hotel etc.

Plus fat people's clothes weigh more so a fat person would be able to take fewer clothes with them on holiday. And we all know fatties sweat more then the rest of us - would you want to see a big fat fatty in Spain wearing the same old stinking t-shirt all week because that's all he could fit in to his combined passenger/baggage allowance?

1st May 2009, 11:24
There is a problem with the combined passenger/baggage allowance though. Passengers are generally able to move under their own steam; it is their body parts that have to bear their weight. But with baggage it is loaded/unloaded by someone other than the passenger so there is a safety at work issue with bags over a certain weight as they then become a 2-man lift. Yes, you could have multiple bags but is that practical for most people as you have to manipulate them around the airport, between the airport and hotel etc.
BMI allows two 24kg cases each + a carry on of unlimited weight. :thumbs

If you send a parcel airmail, you pay by the weight of the entire package. Public airlines are just a delivery system for humans. A 100kg package costs a hell of a lot more to send than a 50kg, yet if it is a person they all pay the same!

Very overweight people have to buy 2 seats, that has been going on for years.

1st May 2009, 12:37
As a alightly overweight fella, I can only see this from preventing overweight people using the airline.

Mopst overweight people aren't proud to be overweight.

So no, I don't approve!

I agree Vegy that it would upset some people and does seem discriminating even though it is classed as a safety issue.
However there are other airlines that they can use.

I could be wrong but I don't think on each flight there are very many people weighing over the 100kg / 130kg limit either so it wouldn't generate that much cash really.

That is why I believe and have barked on about this for about a year now that it should be a combined passenger / luggage weight.
This would also not take longer or single people out.
Only charging overweight people - how would they do that? Look at someone and ask them to jump on some scales?
My way everyone could just jump on the conveyor with their case ,easy and everyone is equal.

1st May 2009, 12:55
There is a problem with the combined passenger/baggage allowance though. Passengers are generally able to move under their own steam; it is their body parts that have to bear their weight. But with baggage it is loaded/unloaded by someone other than the passenger so there is a safety at work issue with bags over a certain weight as they then become a 2-man lift. Yes, you could have multiple bags but is that practical for most people as you have to manipulate them around the airport, between the airport and hotel etc.

Plus fat people's clothes weigh more so a fat person would be able to take fewer clothes with them on holiday. And we all know fatties sweat more then the rest of us - would you want to see a big fat fatty in Spain wearing the same old stinking t-shirt all week because that's all he could fit in to his combined passenger/baggage allowance?

You have a point there with the safety issue for bags but last I heard it was around 35kg for one man to lift, (it could be anything now though ) so that should be ample for most people apart from those going on extended breaks perhaps.
Plus depending on the combined weight limit I can't see many people taking a case heavier than that.

15kg for a case for 2 weeks holiday is difficult to stick to, yes you are allowed 10kg hand luggage but who wants to carry 10kg round the airport for 3 hours.Plus the hand luggage has to be a certain size so getting it to hold 10kg would be a challenge especially since you can't put the real heavy stuff - toileteries/ sun lotion in it anymore.
Gone are the days when you could swan around the airport with a tiny bag holding documents and money etc now you have a travel bag stuffed with as much as possible to cart around.

They would have to alter the way they handle children though, they pay full price so are entitled to the same weight case so perhaps charge them less for their luggage if it weighs below a certain limit.Otherwise they will have a 3 year old with a 50kg case.

1st May 2009, 13:30
....and everyone is equal.
...apart from the fat bugger infront of you :laugh

1st May 2009, 14:06
In my opinion the Fat tax story has just been dreamt up to get people talking about Ryanair. It is daft and will never happen

1st May 2009, 14:35
In my opinion the Fat tax story has just been dreamt up to get people talking about Ryanair. It is daft and will never happen
It already does though in a roundabout way......I fly quite a bit, and always notice that luggage for slim folk is always ignored if overweight a few kilos (not on discount airlines though, they charge by the microkilo :ooo), while Mr Hippo will have to get a credit card out. :rolleyes:

1st May 2009, 14:48
IMO I think that things will change sooner than later

i think that we should be allwed a set weight for air travel for example every passenger is allowed 130kg

if the SWL (safe working load) of a 707-320B for example is 30,000kgs and this was split between passengers then a full plane of 189 passengers would give everyone a total allownace of 158kg so therefore for me it would work out

body weight 104kg
baggage allowance 54kg

something like that would work

1st May 2009, 14:56
It already does though in a roundabout way......I fly quite a bit, and always notice that luggage for slim folk is always ignored if overweight a few kilos (not on discount airlines though, they charge by the microkilo :ooo), while Mr Hippo will have to get a credit card out. :rolleyes:

Really ??
I mostly fly with the budget airlines so I've never seen that.

1st May 2009, 15:03
IMO I think that things will change sooner than later

i think that we should be allwed a set weight for air travel for example every passenger is allowed 130kg

if the SWL (safe working load) of a 707-320B for example is 30,000kgs and this was split between passengers then a full plane of 189 passengers would give everyone a total allownace of 158kg so therefore for me it would work out

body weight 104kg
baggage allowance 54kg

something like that would work

They would have to take into account the staff, their belongings and the food/ duty free / safety equipt etc as well though.

I think a total of 130kg would be plenty. That would give you 26kg baggage so maybe even 120kg per person.
Remember as well you would be fully clothed with your coat and shoes on at the conveyor.

With all my clobber on I am 50kg so I'm taking 3 cases :laugh

1st May 2009, 15:08
Really ??
I mostly fly with the budget airlines so I've never seen that.
:doh That's why I said not them! :rolleyes:

I only use the 'posh' end of the market :D

1st May 2009, 15:15
:doh That's why I said not them! :rolleyes:

I only use the 'posh' end of the market :D

The main airlines at Leeds are Jet2 and Ryanair , as long as they get me there and back I'm happy.
I have flown with BA and I honestly couldn't say I noticed much difference apart from the free drinks for the entire flight. Maybe thats why I didn't notice a difference :hic

1st May 2009, 15:57
This is the latest in the round of "what stupid idea will Ryanair/Jet2/<Insert Bargain Airline here> come up with next?" In the last few months, they have gone from 'no frills' to actually charging people for seat reservation, charging for luggage (both of these with a minimum of 1) through to a 'VIP airport package' that allows people to avoid the queues at the airport; all of which are designed to just hike the prices up. If people stopped to think about it, they would simply pay 'normal' prices to airlines that probably charge more or less the same but are happy to quote it as a single figure. "Do you want a seat...take some luggage...etc?", and it's not like you can say no to these; even the 'optional VIP package' is suspect when you consider that if over 50% of passengers opted for this, it would be quicker to be in the 'regular queue'.

Should there be a "fat tax"? No - nor a seating tax, (single piece) luggage tax etc. And they should also stop the dubious practise of allowing airlines to charge additional 'fuel surcharges' which are based on the fact that fuel costs more now than when they set their prices (commonly 2 years ago) - of course it does; and it will continue to do so. Set the prices based on known trends and then reduce prices accordingly.

1st May 2009, 16:06
Set the prices based on known trends and then reduce prices accordingly.

I doubt even God could have forseen the last 18 months of fuel prices :rolleyes:

1st May 2009, 16:47
I dont like this idea as I am a slightly, but sexy:D, overweight traveller myself, Vegy!!

I also think it is a stupid idea, Oldham Whisper!

1st May 2009, 16:49
I agree and disagree with you Oldham.
The ideas do sound stupid, but in principle they are actually a good thing for some.
Ryanair is totally the best airline ( cheapest ) for anyone going away for 1,2,3 nights.
Why, because even though they add taxes and fuel surcharges to the flight price it still works out cheaper than flying with BA etc.
On a short trip you pay the air fair plus the taxes.
You only need hand luggage so there is no luggage charge, plus you can check in online without luggage which is free.No-one else can match their offer prices if you can travel with hand luggage only.

I posted a rant recently about their luggage charge - this was because the combined luggage and check in charges had gone up considerably since I last flew with them. A flight to Europe for £10 each way suddenly cost £60 more with the extras, but it was still the cheapest flight for me, the closest was easyjet which was around the same price but meant going to Liverpool.

The toilet issue, well I never use the toilet , you have plenty of time at the airport to spend a penny before you board, so while it sounds stupid if it can save me money on the actual cost of the flight then charge for the toilet, if I'm desperate and need to go it doesn't matter because I got the flight cheaper anyway.

I go to Belfast every year in November/ December.
Last year I went for 2 nights.
The clothing I needed, and the toileteries in travel size were adequate to fit into hand luggage.
How much do you think it cost me to fly to Belfast and back ?
2p - yep 2p.
1p per flight.
The check in and luggage charge is the main money making thing with them, and it isn't fair that we now have to take less because we all weigh more so let those that weigh less take more luggage.

1st May 2009, 17:16
Should air travel be cheap though? Should it be a luxury that isn't available to the masses?

Businesses waste a fortune on flying staff around the globe rather than investing in the technology that would enable the meetings to take place as effectively without the need for staff to leave their base office.

Should we all be able to afford to jet off on holiday when we feel like it? More expensive air travel would be unpopular, for sure, but does that mean it's not right? None of us have the right to have cheap air travel; it's a privilege that many don't enjoy. With all the concerns about global warming etc why not put the price of air travel up? If charging by weight is part of a move towards that then so be it

1st May 2009, 17:31
.... why not put the price of air travel up?
They did, many airlines went bust, 1000's out of work, tax income dropped, this all then has an effect on the airports, less income, less money = less jobs....etc....etc...

As for global warming, it's happening, but hey, the Earth will still be around in 5 Billion years, while we'll be long extinct.....have a nice day :D

1st May 2009, 18:35
I think I might be able to take a polo mint on as luggage :laugh. I've never considered flying with these people and I'm even less likely to now, given I currently weigh 122kg in the nuddy, first thing in the morning! And that's after losing a good 6kg in the last month or so.....

1st May 2009, 20:05
But BigC, there's ugly fat, and there's beautiful fat, and you...

well, phwoarrr! :D

1st May 2009, 20:06
Have some rep for the funniest post you've made in ages! :laugh

1st May 2009, 21:15
Vegy - we all know you're a cutie regardless of what the scales say.
Big C - remember muscle weighs much more than fat, so you are very muscular.

If their plan goes ahead you wouldn't have to pay anything as you are not 130kg.
The combined weight person / luggage is what Keith and I think is the route to take with this.
Well done on the weight loss thats some going in a month

1st May 2009, 21:32
Well upholstered I think the term is Sam :D

8th May 2009, 23:15
Well you can all enjoy a slap up Sunday lunch now.
Ryanair have ditched this idea.
They have said -
Soon all passengers will be checking in online and they have no way of collecting a fat tax without causing disruption so the idea which was voted for by 30,000 passengers has been scrapped.

9th May 2009, 08:24
Soon all passengers will be checking in online .....
Especially the elderly, blind, severely disabled.......:splapme

9th May 2009, 21:33
It wonder if this will make it an online company only, or if the call centre will just check you in online and post the documentation to you.
There are still people who don't have pc's or internet access.

11th May 2009, 10:08
In my opinion the Fat tax story has just been dreamt up to get people talking about Ryanair. It is daft and will never happen

That Tophatter knows his stuff! :D