View Full Version : Freefall Dollar

1st June 2009, 10:45
I've been against the USD for over a week now riding it out, and it's up about 2000 pips today :omg: ....I can't see it getting any better with the GM event happening later in the day as that doesn't say much about the US economy.

2nd June 2009, 10:51
yes, good news for my possible house buying in chile, the pound - peso exchange rate as gone up 10% in the last week or so, the peso must be linked with the dollar but also a reduction in manufacturing, mining revenue and a salmon virus on salmon farms in the south has probably taken its toll, the thing is Chile had saved money for a stimulus project unlike our Idiot Mr Brown who borrowed all ours!

2nd June 2009, 10:53
I still cant figure out why the euro is still relatively untouched, surely there will be a slight downturn in the euro at some point ????

Ive got to say that If I had dollars I would have bought the pound up like crazy over the last few months, same with the current euro rate which I cant see getting much worse, I missed the boat on the high dollar last year though- should have used all my very modest savings to snap up as many dollars as possible.