View Full Version : ASP.NET targetting "disabled" through CSS for IE

25th June 2009, 17:47
I am using the following control generated through a CMS:

<ol class="sf_pager">
<a id="ctl00_Content_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_pager2_ctl00_PageRepeaterLinkButton_ctl01_SingleItem" class="sf_PagerSelItem" disabled="disabled">1</a>
I am trying to change the colour of the "disabled" part of the anchor link (at the end of the above scroll box) through the following CSS target:

ol.sf_pager li a.sf_PagerSelItem
}This works in Firefox for the anchor tag generically, but IE is reading something separate from the generic anchor tag colour. I've tried searching Google but do not know how to target it properly so that it works in IE also (it's currently showing up in grey in IE whereas the hex #E1143B is an off-red colour).

I think the CSS for IE must be something like:

ol.sf_pager li a[disabled="disabled"].sf_PagerSelItem
}But I can't get it to work! Bit of a longshot but if anyone can help out I'd really appreciate it.

29th June 2009, 17:48
Nothing then...? It won't work. :(