View Full Version : SnG tools/trainers

6th September 2009, 11:53
Anyone used any of the SnG trainer sites or tools? I'm thinking tools such as SnG End Game Tool, SnG Wizard etc and video sites like CardRunners, Deuces Cracked etc.

At what level do tools like this become valuable? Can a $5 STT grinder learn much to make it worth investing in these things or is it something for say $20 and above?

7th September 2009, 16:21
I have never used them to be honest but I am more of a cash player anyway. However, I really think tools such as those are always worth looking at. Not sure if you have to pay much for them but if SNGs are your bread and butter any tool has to be looked into.

I used a personal trainer - can't remember his name but it was a brilliant use of $200 of my bankroll. I used to send him play logs for evey 1000 hands I played and he ran it through some kind of simulator to identify my strengths and weaknesses. It helped me eliminate my greatest weakness (playing too many hands from the SB out of position) and made me so much more profitable.