View Full Version : Auto-Sys Monday 28th September

27th September 2009, 22:23
There is a chance that Auto-Sys may be late tomorrow. I have a hospital appointment (finally getting to see a gastroenterologist after 5-6 months of stomach pain) in the morning and have no idea how long it will last and whether they will want to do any follow up tests or anything.

That said, I hope to have it online by lunchtime but you'll have to bear with me if not.

28th September 2009, 11:17
Online now

28th September 2009, 11:21
How did your appointment go Mat?

28th September 2009, 11:23
How did your appointment go Mat?They are booking me in for a whole suite of tests so it's really just the start of things. But hopefully these tests will at least identify what is wrong at long last

28th September 2009, 13:29
Get you legs amputated, if you still have the problem at least you've ruled something out :)