View Full Version : Childcare

28th September 2009, 13:33
So now we can't even look after the friends kids for a few hours! :splapme

So I can have them for 1:59Hrs, but 2:01hrs is breaking the law!!! So by design of this pathetic law peado's only start beasting at 2:01 :doh

Labour have brought out red tape on red tape just to get more people in work doing stupid paper jobs. They use no common sense with any of these laws, nor think of what will happen in the real world.

28th September 2009, 14:03
I know that there must be certain levels of caution when it comes to protecting children, most of this is should be down to common sense. I do feel sorry for kids growing up these days, it seems like they wont be mixing with any adult unless its their parent or someone that is paid to look after them. Its rules like this that will gradually stop more and more activity clubs etc for kids. When I was a kid things used to be about having fun, I was a member of numerous clubs where adults would volunteer their time now it just seems that there are too many rules in place which will make more and more organisers etc just not bother.

Street cry
28th September 2009, 14:16
So i take it that rules out sleepovers etc ? ridiculous and how is it to be policed ???

28th September 2009, 20:53
Heard it on the radio this morning - most ridiculous story I have heard for a while.

28th September 2009, 22:28
I went to B&Q for some plaster board yesterday. I measured the sizes of the pieces I'd need so I could get them in the car and expected the people at B&Q would cut the large sheet down to size for me.

So what happened? It went something like this...

They cannot cut plaster board with the wood saw because it clogs up the blade, fair enough. He said I'd have to cut it with a Stanley knife.

"Do you have a Stanley knife I can use, please?"

"No, we're not allowed to use them. Health & Safety. We're not even allowed to use a pair of scissors. Instant dismissal if we're caught. We used to have a plaster board cutter but that got stolen."

"Is there anyone in B&Q who can lend me a Stanley Knife?"


So I bought a Stanley knife (from B&Q) and the plaster board, wheeled it all outside and cut it up in the car park.

Note that they used to have a plaster board cutter but were unable to replace the one that got stolen. B&Q probably supply plaster board cutters :splapme

More H&S bollox dreamt up by the morons advising this Government.

And to think I helped vote this shower in. Twice :splapme

29th September 2009, 08:13
And I and others are as much to blame, too, Bud by refusing to vote Tory at the last election and giving these morons free passage. It seems we're all being forced into voting Tory come the next election whether we want to or not if we want to save what's left of Little Britain. ;fire

29th September 2009, 12:36
And I and others are as much to blame, too, Bud by refusing to vote Tory at the last election and giving these morons free passage. It seems we're all being forced into voting Tory come the next election whether we want to or not if we want to save what's left of Little Britain. ;fire

Who put the Daily Mail comment on your site Keith? :wink

29th September 2009, 13:24
And anybody who thinks they might need to be registered under this new ISA organisation it's an absolute nightmare which just keeps hundreds more people in a job ticking boxes with the sole aim it seems of making the unemployment figures look better. The information you have to provide is deeply personal and intrusive and will drive thousands of perfectly normal and good-intentioned people away from valuable work with children and vulnerable people and will it do an ounce of good? Will it heck as like. As if a paedo or any other sicko will admit to their tendencies on a form. Unless you actually have a criminal record for any such offfence, which a CRB check would pick up anyway, this new beaurocratic process will not pick up anyone with evil intentions.

29th September 2009, 15:47
I've never figured out what a CRB is for? :doh

If you are on the sex offenders list you have to inform the police of where you are and what you are doing, and it should be simple enough for a school employing someone to send the details to the police and have them checked to see if they are on the list. Why have a seperate list of innocent people? :ermmm

As about 99% of child abuse if family related all this effort is for less than 1%!!

....and if the kiddie beast hasn't been arrested before, then a CRB isn't going to throw up a red flag anyway :splapme

29th September 2009, 16:32
What next - sorry you can't swim in the sea as it contains salt and is bad for your health

30th September 2009, 08:32
Who put the Daily Mail comment on your site Keith? :wink

Had it been a comment from the DM, scoobs, I would have said so as noted at the top of the page reference links and extracts from other sights and newspapers.

No, mate, as a thinking man I thought it up all by myself.

Clever me. Eh?

I assume you don't agree so that makes two votes for Labour at the next election!

30th September 2009, 10:11
I assume you don't agree so that makes two votes for Labour at the next election!

No....you've convinced me that we all have to vote Tory tov. :wink