View Full Version : Pompey

4th October 2009, 09:38
Sporting Life (and other news outlets) are reporting that Portsmouth are to be taken over AGAIN as their majority shareholder Sulaiman al-Fahim is set to sell to a consortium led by Saudi property magnate Ali al-Faraj who has already made a bridging loan of £5m to cover wages etc after the promised funds from al-Fahim failed to appear.

That club is in a proper mess and I hope they finally get things sorted out with this takeover.

4th October 2009, 09:43
I bet Harry is sorry he left! :rolleyes:

6th October 2009, 10:40
Well it seems the deal is done and Al Fahim has sold 90% to Al Faraj, keeping 10% and remaining as non executive chairman until 2011.

Only we could have a big fanfare stating a billionairre was taking over and nearly go into administration - honestly you couldn't make it up, could you? Hopefully this will now see the end of the complete farce!

On the playing side the side has been stripped bare and the 66 million from player sales and all the sky money has gone straight to the bank. Which shows how the club was 'living' well beyond it's means over the last couple of seasons. Paying players wages that they couldn't afford to pay from revenue. You would think these clubs would learn from the likes of Leeds and Southampton etc.

It will never happen, but it's really about time the clubs did something about the players wages. I'm not knocking the players, we'd all quite happily take the same in their position but frankly even £10,000 a week to kick a ball about is obscene. It can't be right when the 22 players on the pitch are probably earning more in a week than the crowd earn in an entire year.

6th October 2009, 10:44
I read somewhere last week I think it was that Pompey had had a transfer ban placed on them over the summer which is why they sold but didn't buy and that the ban had been kept quiet. Any truth in that do you think or was the reason for not signing anyone just poverty?

6th October 2009, 10:57
The FA should set a debt limit, anyone reaches it they drop a division the following season.

6th October 2009, 11:06
Interesting Mat, hadn't heard that one. It wouldn't surprise me, but I don't think there was any money to spend anyway. They apparently paid Standard Bank over £100m back from the player sales and the tv money.