View Full Version : Poker Edge & Texas Calculatem

17th December 2009, 11:05
Anyone used either of these bits of software? I've just downloaded them so as they have lots of buttons I'll have a fiddle with them today :)

17th December 2009, 11:07
Nope, never heard of 'em

17th December 2009, 12:58

Helpful bunch aren't we, eh? :wink

17th December 2009, 13:20
I doubt the calc will be much use as I do the stats in my head almost instantly, but the other one shows the records and style of play of all players. Handy in a heads up.

17th December 2009, 13:21
Poker Edge looks like a poor man's Poker Tracker or Hold'em Manager

17th December 2009, 14:10
Well won't be using Calc it's not a demo.

17th December 2009, 15:39
I have used Texas Calculatum very useful as a training tool and getting to know the true odds of winning by the end of the flop.

If you can read the card you have off the poker app then you could make a poker robot!

17th December 2009, 16:01
yea, I have used similar, was helpful for learning the game odds etc, but I found it distracted me from concentrating on what other players on the tables were doing, but poker is not my game anyway.

17th December 2009, 16:19
The differences in the Mat is:

Holdem Manager: Uses a local SQL DB to store the data, and builds up as you play more, so for the first 100 games it's probably pretty useless.

Poker Edge: Connects to a DB on a central server and gives you instant info on 10'000's of poker players across over 100 sites.

17th December 2009, 18:33
I had/paid for and used Poker Edge for about 6 months, and found that the edge it was supposed to give wasn't actually there!

Some of the stuff was ok, but as primarily a tourney player it didn't really do it for me.

One day it would say it had 5000 hands of mine in the DB, the next it would be 0, the next 200, seemingly totally random each day. This led me to ask is it all actually made up?

17th December 2009, 19:56
I'll give them both a run, and see what they show up. I'm giving up on keeping all my poker records in Excel, I want the easy life :)

17th December 2009, 22:28
The differences in the Mat is:

Holdem Manager: Uses a local SQL DB to store the data, and builds up as you play more, so for the first 100 games it's probably pretty useless.

Poker Edge: Connects to a DB on a central server and gives you instant info on 10'000's of poker players across over 100 sites.

Some poker sites frown on any application that has a central DB. I know that PokerStars say that if you have a tool that lets you view games/hands that you didn't atually witness they consider it cheating.

17th December 2009, 22:32
Quote from PokerStars Terms and Conditions:

5.5. EXTERNAL PLAYER ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (EPA). PokerStars prohibits those External Player Assistance Programs ("EPA Programs") which are designed to provide an "Unfair Advantage" to players. PokerStars defines "External" to mean computer software (other than the Software), and non-software-based databases or profiles (e.g. web sites and subscription services). PokerStars defines an "Unfair Advantage" as any instance in which a User accesses or compiles information on other players beyond that which the User has personally observed through the User's own game play.

17th December 2009, 22:34
Also, the two tools you mentioned (Poker Edge and Texas Calculatem) are on the list of prohibited tools for PokerStars.


17th December 2009, 22:42
There are ways and means around it :)

18th December 2009, 09:54
I'm only reviewing them on a test account for now, that's one of my jobs on here, dig out the crap and stop others wasting money.

Anyway, thanks Badger, now I have a list of tools to test :yikes: See ya'll for my next poker post in 2017 :ooo

18th December 2009, 10:46
Have you see the screenshots for Poker Edge? The GUI looks like it was designed by the reception class of a 'special' nursery

18th December 2009, 11:37
Have you see the screenshots for Poker Edge? The GUI looks like it was designed by the reception class of a 'special' nursery
It gives you the required data, it's not supposed to look pretty in pink :wink, anyway, it crashed on me!!!