View Full Version : lonesome dove

25th December 2009, 20:30
Got this as gift the box set LONESOME DOVE missed it when it was on tv.
Been playing some its really good, if you enjoy a realistic well acted western try this.

26th December 2009, 00:55
There haven't been many good westerns in the last 20 years... either on TV or movies.. CLint Eastwood's Unforgiven was real class, as was Dances With Wolves... Lonesome Dove is up there with the best too, and the sequel series was pretty good too.

26th December 2009, 11:06
There haven't been many good westerns in the last 20 years... either on TV or movies.. CLint Eastwood's Unforgiven was real class, as was Dances With Wolves... Lonesome Dove is up there with the best too, and the sequel series was pretty good too.

Yes the box set contains all 4. and Dances with wolves a classic

The two that turned it round for me ,and i hate to think how many years ago this was,are A man called horse and Soldier blue,i partially remember the latter, the silence and stunned look on peoples faces as we left the cinema its on dvd and still bears watching to day.