View Full Version : UFO Sightings!

1st January 2010, 17:40
Walking home from my uncle's house at about 1.30am this morning, I noticed a couple of orange/yellow 'lantern' objects gliding across the sky.

Tried to find some information about it online, but nobody seems to know what exactly they are.

Any ideas?

1st January 2010, 18:10

would be my guess.

1st January 2010, 18:53
There the street lights to much :hic:hic last night :spinning

1st January 2010, 19:00
Loads of UFO's in London last night ..... about midnight :doh

1st January 2010, 19:01
Out the back of a neighbours house at around 1ish this morning i saw exactly the same thing,
maybe it was too many bottles of Bud but i got a few people out to see it and no one could work it out, the lanterns seems a good answer although at that time of morning i was covinced it was something else.... maybe i shoud stay off the drink :omg:

1st January 2010, 19:12
Those sky lanterns are pretty awesome. Good height/range on them too

Street cry
1st January 2010, 19:33
They are candle lanterns

2nd January 2010, 16:58
Amazing the stuff you lot know. :D Thanks!

6th January 2010, 00:36
This forums better than Google :D