View Full Version : Platers Systems

13th February 2010, 14:58
Hello All :Helooo,

Long time no post, I have been hidden away in the systems dungeon doing some research, but it took longer than I thought, that's one of the reasons why I have not been around on the Forum :thumbs.

But I do drop in from time to time though to see what you guy’s have been up to and have noticed a few new members have been posting a system or two, with that in mind I may start to post a few of the selections from some of the new systems I’ve been building in the general boards, one of them I have been doing since last summer is going great guns, I may post the qualifiers for that in the members area if I decide to include it :wink.

Cheers Plater

13th February 2010, 15:04
Good to see you back on here Plater :)

13th February 2010, 15:37
Hey, welcome back Alan, good to see you again!:thumbs

13th February 2010, 18:24
Another returns from the crypt :Helooo:Helooo:Helooo

13th February 2010, 18:30
Thank's Guy's,

Been very busy with everything related to racing, hope I can offer something to the forum again, I seem to remember in the distant past that I achieved 100 points profit in a couple of month's, I can't promise those sorts of figures this time but I'll try my best.:happyboun

That is until I go on yet another Cruise :yikes:

13th February 2010, 18:32
Good old Plater... good to see you back.

13th February 2010, 18:35
Nice to see you again Vegy, you been behaving yer'sel, silly question I suppose :ermmm

13th February 2010, 18:42
you been behaving yer'sel

Of course! :wink :wink :D