View Full Version : A Hard Question Answered....

2nd March 2010, 16:39
Read the text before looking at the photograph.

Quite often we ask ourselves hard to answer questions, like,
"Exactly what is a bas:censored:rd?"

And we wax philosophic with metaphysical postulations, incomplete aphorisms, and inconsistent sophisms that make us more and more sure that the only true thing is that a picture is worth a thousand words.

In this photo, the guy on the right is a member of the bomb squad in the middle of a deactivation.

The guy behind him, well, he's a bas:censored:rd.

2nd March 2010, 16:43

2nd March 2010, 16:44

2nd March 2010, 18:57
I guess I must be one too... last Monday we had a little accident in the lab.. someone poured a tiny amount of hypochlorite bleach down the sink.. and it actually exploded in the pipes... we think it reacted with some acid that hadn't been flushed away properly.. didn't cause any damage but made a hell of a bang. Anyway one of the seniors was peering down the sink and I decided to clap my hands very loudly... :D

2nd March 2010, 20:51

Speaking of practical jokes. I changed some of the letters on a colleagues keyboard the other day.

An e-mail was sent round the office from the human resources partner today saying that these things are not funny, time wasting, and that any culprit identified will be dealt with according to the firms disciplinary procedure.

2nd March 2010, 22:30
A fun one is to change the names on a mobile phone. A friend of mine ended up sending a dirty message to his mother after we accidently swopped her name with his girlfriends

2nd March 2010, 23:01
Change the auto-correct on someone's MS Word so that a few common words are replaced by swearwords - that was always a favourite at uni, especially if people tend not to re-read things carefully :wink

2nd March 2010, 23:12
A fun one is to change the names on a mobile phone. A friend of mine ended up sending a dirty message to his mother after we accidently swopped her name with his girlfriends


2nd March 2010, 23:16
A fun one is to change the names on a mobile phone. A friend of mine ended up sending a dirty message to his mother after we accidently swopped her name with his girlfriends
