View Full Version : Surley this is a wind up

17th March 2010, 09:30
http://www.mephedroneforsale.co.uk/postage.html :omg::omg:::swear

17th March 2010, 10:12
Not so sure - there's been tonnes of 'head' shops opening in Ireland lately selling 'plant food'. Most of these chemicals' make-up are just a tick or two away from the illegal drugs so they get around the law.

17th March 2010, 11:24
still legal at the moment but more than likely will get put on banned substance list later this year

18th March 2010, 04:22
i know it's sad that someone died from the stuff, but how many thousands die every year from other such legal drugs like alcohol and tobbaco.

the most alarming thing to me was that there was supposed to be a goverment report out a while ago on the drug. but the researchers resigned when the head of department was completely ignored when his scientific studies didn't fit what the goverment 'knows better' about.