View Full Version : idiot proof guide needed

1st April 2010, 10:34
how do i manage the programs that auto start on boot? ive got a shed load that start that i dont need to, any help will be appreciated.

1st April 2010, 10:42

Type msconfig and press return/enter

There is a 'startup' tab

Press 'Disable All' and then OK

You will be prompted to restart - do this and then you will get an alert. Tell the alert not to show again and voila!

Anything that really needs to start will soon add a new entry (e.g. anti-virus programs).

1st April 2010, 10:52
You can do as TOW says or you can use something like Autoruns. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx

2nd April 2010, 15:54
thanks oldham and scooby, thats better running much faster now must of had about 30 things starting at boot now ive only got clock, volume and antivirus :thumbs