View Full Version : Bosses hit back in tax plans row

Win2Win Racing
1st April 2010, 14:10
The row over Labour claims the bosses of 23 major companies have been "deceived" by Tory tax promises intensifies.

More... (http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/uk_politics/8598386.stm)

1st April 2010, 19:43
If you were a small businessman with maybe 20 employees trying to build up a business and just about breaking even, then you get hit with an increase in N.I.Tax of 1% it means you would have to let go of maybe two of your staff. Isn't this classed as an unemployment tax?

On the subject of taxation this government will go down in history as the Government of Tax. Even in last weeks budget, although there was no increase in income tax as such, there was no increase in personal allowances (which we get in every budget) which is a tax increase in itself. Brown thinks we're ALL stupid. No matter what happens his only answer is to increase taxation. He isn't intelligent enough to under stand that the more money he takes off me, the less I have to spend. When I have no money to spend shops start to close down. (Have you walked down your High St. recently? Is it a case of - Charity Shop - Pound Shop - Boarded up shop - Charity Shop - Pound Shop - Boarded up shop?)

And when shops start closing down, Manufacturing Industries have to close down because they have no outlets for their goods. Even more unemployment, which means even more tax for those still in a job (and pensioners) to pay the unemployment benefits to those who have lost their jobs because an incompetent bunch of morons don't know that money is made round to go round.

How is this for a scenario.

1997, Downing Street

Tony Bliar - Gordon, I want five billion pounds to throw at Education, Education, Education.

Gordon Brown - Yes, Prime Minister, I intend to sell off our Gold Reserves for that sum and then when the price of gold drops we'll buy it back and maybe even make a profit.

T.B.- Well done Gordon, I also want five billion pounds to throw at the NHS.

G.B. - No problem, Prime Minister, I'm going to increase Income Tax by half a percent to get just that sum.

T.B - While your at it Gordon, I want five billion pounds to throw at fighting Crime and the causes of crime.

G.B. - You'll remember, Prime Minister, that in 1988 Margaret Thatcher cancelled the 20% Corporation Tax on Pension Companies so that on retirement people will get a 20% bigger pension and not be drain on the State. Well, that's worth five and a half billion pounds every year so we'll have that.

T.B. - Gordon, you are the best Chancellor any Prime Minister could have, well done.

Go on lads, Vote for Gordon at the coming election, you know it makes (non)sense.

1st April 2010, 20:36
Where were the bank bosses off that list, only people missing. :laugh

1st April 2010, 22:08
Don't know what you mean by "bank Bosses" scooby. Explain?

1st April 2010, 22:29
Don't know what you mean by "bank Bosses" scooby. Explain?

Business leaders....they all vote tory Tov, always have, always will. Nothing shocking to me...and of course they pretty much know Tories will win so they want to be on side. So where will the planned NI tax rise go instead then...on savings? :laugh Expect VAT to go up then at Osbournes first budget...normally the tory way.

1st April 2010, 23:35
Maybe you missed the point of my thread, Scoobs. The point I was making was the PROPOSED 1% increase in N.I. by this stupid government which would lead to further unemployment. I believe Cameron said that if Darling went ahead with the increase and Cameron was the next Prime Minister he would cancel it. The C.B.I. and The I.F.S. who are not businessmen (one is a Confederation and one is an Institute) and half a dozen others were quoted by David Dimbleby on Question Time tonight and they ALL agreed with me that it was a tax on jobs.

Whoever wins the next election has one hell of a job. In 1997 the Tories handed over four successive years of increasing productivity to the Bliar government. We are now something like £1.3 trillion in debt (just one figure I've heard bandied about) so how good do you think they are at running the country?

I don't know what your job is, Scooby, or how safe it is so maybe I shouldn't care what happens in the near future after all I'm alright Jack, I'm a 72 Year-old pensioner and my job is safe (at least for the time being) but I do have children.

I have said in previous posts that I haven't voted Tory sice 198- something, but now I feel I have to for the sake of my family, my country, and myself to get rid of these liars.

If anybody out there feels they've done a good job over the last thirteen years, then feel free to vote them in again.

And good luck!

2nd April 2010, 08:27
Well Labour put their foot in it by basically calling some of the countries leading business men stupid because they'd been fooled by the Tories :splapme .... that statement has probably won the Tories the election outright.