View Full Version : Brown to call election for 6 May

Win2Win Racing
6th April 2010, 01:20
Gordon Brown is set to end months of speculation by confirming the UK's general election will be held on 6 May.

More... (http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/uk_politics/8603591.stm)

6th April 2010, 10:11
If the Tories get in I am leaving the country

6th April 2010, 11:13
If the Tories get in I am leaving the country

Do you reckon they will win Mat, have you had a bet of any kind? The ICM poll today of 37 Tory, 33 Labour must be pretty depressing for Cameron. For me I think they will get in with a majority of between 25-40 although on those ICM figures, I guess it can't happen can it.

6th April 2010, 11:24
Do you reckon they will win Mat,I honestly don't know. I reckon there's a serious chance of a hung parliament though.

have you had a bet of any kind? Of course. I have a few bets on the turnout plus a couple of individual constituency bets but nothing on the overall winner.

The ICM poll today of 37 Tory, 33 Labour must be pretty depressing for Cameron. For me I think they will get in with a majority of between 25-40 although on those ICM figures, I guess it can't happen can it.I think the lead in the polls will switch several times over the next few weeks depending on who has said what recently, what mud has stuck and which polling organisation has been used. I think this election is too close to call at this stage.

Anyway, I was just being obtuse when I said I'd leave the country if the Tories won. I'm leaving the country whoever wins as me and the missus fly out on holiday that day :laugh

6th April 2010, 11:33
Anyway, I was just being obtuse when I said I'd leave the country if the Tories won. I'm leaving the country whoever wins as me and the missus fly out on holiday that day :laugh

& there I was thinking you were doing a Paul Daniels from 1997, he didn't go away for long did he. :)

6th April 2010, 11:46
I'm glad you used Paul Daniels in your example rather than Jim Davidson who also promised to leave the country at one election. It's a tricky choice but I'd rather be compared to the former than the latter.

6th April 2010, 18:34
I'm glad you used Paul Daniels in your example rather than Jim Davidson who also promised to leave the country at one election. It's a tricky choice but I'd rather be compared to the former than the latter.

Yes it is quite a choice isn't it :laugh. One's a jumped up talentless wee numpty... and the other one's a jumped up talentless wee numpty married to an equally talentless gold digger.

6th April 2010, 20:52
I think it's a straight choice between thieves and robbers

7th April 2010, 03:06
I think this election is too close to call at this stage.

I dunno but the way G Brown stood up & said today: 'Let's go to it,' with about as much enthusiasm as a dead rat could have mustered - it doesn't augur well for Labour's chances, imho.

I'm pretty sure though, Bridgwater & West Somerset has got to be one of the safest Tory seats, again....