View Full Version : Virgin Media DNS Settings

27th April 2010, 13:40
Anyone else having their browser automatically redirect them to a Virgin Media webpage telling them their DNS settings are out of date and should be changed?

I've had it a few times today and spent ages on the phone to an Indian call centre earlier trying to get it sorted out.

It seems that restarting my DNS Client service then restarting my PC sorts it out, for a while at least, but it's VERY annoying.

27th April 2010, 13:53
No problems as of yet Matt :thumbs

27th April 2010, 17:35
VM are blaming my router. They are wrong, I'm sure of it

27th April 2010, 18:06
Not had any problems here either Mat

27th April 2010, 18:12
does this help at all


27th April 2010, 21:15
Cheers fellas.

I'm on the wired service but with a wireless router of my own inbetween the modem and my desktop with the router also serving out a wifi connection for the missus' laptop. I have put an old router in place of the one I was using when I had the problems and all seems to be working now but I still can't see what has gone wrong with the original router I was using.

Oh well.

Must be one of those things I guess. And my wireless keyboard seems to have caught whatever is going around too as that died earlier. I changed the batteries but still couldn't get the PC to pick it up so I have 'borrowed' another one from my missus. It's been a day for PC bits to go wrong for me really.

28th April 2010, 08:39
I can't decide if some of my keys are getting faulty and missing out the odd letter or my fingers are more arthritic than I thought :omg: .... I can't replace the latter in PC World :cuck