View Full Version : Final weekend of election begins

Win2Win Racing
1st May 2010, 00:30
The final weekend of the election campaign gets under way, as polls suggest it is still too close to call.

More... (http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/uk_politics/election_2010/8655579.stm)

1st May 2010, 09:47
With most previouse elections,i think the majority of people are just relived when its over.But the current one ,well at least it has not been boring,although perhaps for the wrong reasons.

During the Blair years i was always a fan of Brown,believing him to be a good chancellor,who unlike most labour ones had a good relationship with and the respect of the city.We can now see why and i feel totally mugged off by the guy. The Bigotgate affair as it is now being termed has done for him.

But when you consider the alternatives it does not inspire confidence,for myself i look at Cameron and feel i just cannot bring myself to trust him,and Clegg appears like a kid in a sweet shop.

I have still not made my mind up over who to vote for,but i very much doubt it will be any of the above.

In horse racing i have little respect for those who constantly claim to be wise after the event,but that appears to be the norm in politics these days,what a bloody unnecessary muddle we have been dragged into,and i cannot see any of the above getting us out of it.

1st May 2010, 18:53
Oh no just seen the new polls, looks like 'Dave' is going to get a majority. Betfair betting has changed in last 24 hours too. I feel like doing a 'Daniels'. :(