View Full Version : Daily waffle 28th May

28th May 2010, 17:01
It's often said that when gambling one should look for value prices and the winners will take care of themselves. Today I have had some really good prices but I'm still waiting for the winners. I had St Moritz at 8/1 (7/2 SP) and it was headed at the line ;fire I had Court Circle at 30s on Betfair (10/1 SP) and Rio Tinto at 60s (33/1) but neither really came close to winning. But I get one bad price on the lays (Path of Peace at 10.5, 13/2 SP) and it wins ;fire

28th May 2010, 17:18
It's often said that when gambling one should look for value prices and the winners will take care of themselves.

A most interesting and important subject perhaps we should start a thread on value ?.

28th May 2010, 17:22
I have just had Venutius which traded £12,700 at 1.01 and still lost. ::swear

I have had a terrible few days which is why I haven't been posting because it's all negative and I don't want to bring people down.

Today has been another mare.

Seriously pished. I need to start ditching some systems starting with Michael Stoute which, whilst Ryan Moore is involved, will continue to produce loser after loser.

28th May 2010, 22:50
Hmm, that turned out to be an expensive day!

W2W Systems: 1 from 12, down 7.91 (these are going to have to start producing serious profits soon)
W2W Lays: 4 from 4, up 3.81pts
Other Backs: 3 from 11, down 3.78pts
Other Lays: 11 from 16, down 13.27pts

In the last 9 days I have had 4 real stinkers, 2 good days and three inbetweeners but the bad days are making a big dent in my monthly figures at the minute. It would be nice to have at least one really decent day before the end of the month.

29th May 2010, 08:42
A most interesting and important subject perhaps we should start a thread on value ?.
Not that old annoying cherry. :ass2

I managed to cock-up 2 expensive trades :splapme ... I think my brain is still over the Atlantic :headbange

29th May 2010, 13:26
I finished the day just over 3pts up but the winners were on my smaller banks so was actually down a few quid.

W2W backs, 4/8, +2.16pts
W2W lays, 1/1, +0.95pts
Others, 1/4, -0.02pts