View Full Version : Iron Chris World Cup Bets

Iron Chris
10th June 2010, 20:53
I have decided to have a go and keep track of bets and see how we get on.

I will quote Skybet odds as that is what I will mainly be using but better odds will sometime be available.

Not an easy day to start with on Friday but one correct result will see us in profit.

Friday 11th June

South Africa v Mexico - DRAW @ 9/4 1PT
Uruguay v France - DRAW @ 9/4 1 PT

Saturday 12th June

South Korea v Greece - SOUTH KOREA @ 15/8 1 PT
Argentina v Nigeria - ARGENTINA @ 1/2 3 PTS
England v USA - ENGLAND @ 1/2 3 PTS

10th June 2010, 22:28
Good luck with these Chris

11th June 2010, 22:25
Great start Chris :thumbs

Iron Chris
12th June 2010, 21:33
Well that was all going to plan until Rob Green decided to 'throw' a spanner into the works...:ermmm

Friday 11th June

South Africa v Mexico - DRAW @ 9/4 1PT :happyboun
Uruguay v France - DRAW @ 9/4 1 PT :happyboun

Saturday 12th June

South Korea v Greece - SOUTH KOREA @ 15/8 1 PT :happyboun
Argentina v Nigeria - ARGENTINA @ 1/2 3 PTS :happyboun
England v USA - ENGLAND @ 1/2 3 PTS ;fire

BETS : 5
WINS : 4
S/R : 80%
PROFIT : + 4.875 PTS

Sunday 13th June

Algeria v Slovenia - SLOVENIA @ 6/5 2 PTS
Serbia v Ghana - SERBIA @ 11/10 2 PTS
Germany v Australia @ 1/2 3 PTS

Iron Chris
14th June 2010, 08:16
Will update the PROFIT details later...:)

Monday 14th June

Holland v Denmark - HOLLAND @ 8/15 3 PTS
Italy v Paraguay - ITALY (Draw No Bet) @ 4/9 4 PTS

Iron Chris
15th June 2010, 08:39
Tuesday 15th June

New Zealand v Slovakia - SLOVAKIA @ 2/5 4 PTS
Brazil v North Korea - BRAZIL WIN TO NIL @ 1/2 3 PTS

Iron Chris
15th June 2010, 13:03
Sunday 13th June

Algeria v Slovenia - SLOVENIA @ 6/5 2 PTS :happyboun
Serbia v Ghana - SERBIA @ 11/10 2 PTS ;fire
Germany v Australia @ 1/2 3 PTS :happyboun

Monday 14th June

Holland v Denmark - HOLLAND @ 8/15 3 PTS :happyboun
Italy v Paraguay - ITALY (Draw No Bet) @ 4/9 4 P DRAW NO BET

BETS : 9
WINS : 7
S/R : 77.77%
PROFIT : + 8.375 PTS

Iron Chris
16th June 2010, 11:32
Two very late goals blow both bets yesterday taking most of the profit made with them...;fire

Wednesday 16th June

Honduras v Chile - CHILE @ 8/13 4 PTS
Spain v Switzerland - SPAIN @ 1/4 6 PTS

Iron Chris
18th June 2010, 10:17
Will update later, after another disaster...:ermmm

Friday 18th June

Germany v Serbia
England v Algeria


Slovenia v U.S.A. - U.S.A. (DRAW NO BET) @ 2/5 5 PTS

19th June 2010, 08:55
Will update later, after another disaster...:ermmm

Friday 18th June

Germany v Serbia
England v Algeria


Slovenia v U.S.A. - U.S.A. (DRAW NO BET) @ 2/5 5 PTS

Hard luck Chris i put the same bet on at my local bookies in the morning :laugh:laugh