View Full Version : A new member says Hi!

2nd July 2010, 15:44
Hi to all of you,

my name is Carolyn and I am new here. I have found this forum by accident and after I read a few threads I thought I should register and be a vital part of this forum. I am very interested in betting and especially in horse betting of course. I hope that I can learn a lot about betting here. Looking forward to discuss with you guys and girls.

2nd July 2010, 15:48
Hello and welcome!

2nd July 2010, 16:17

Most of the people on here were born by accident :cuck

3rd July 2010, 00:31
Hello Maddi. Welcome:waver

3rd July 2010, 11:24
Hi to all of you,

my name is Carolyn and I am new here. I have found this forum by accident and after I read a few threads I thought I should register and be a vital part of this forum. I am very interested in betting and especially in horse betting of course. I hope that I can learn a lot about betting here. Looking forward to discuss with you guys and girls.

Hi Carolyn,

Don’t tell the guvnor, I was an accident too…

But you must be Maddi or stark raving mental if you think there is time bewteen yesterday’s results & tomorrow’s cards to actually talk about horse racing or betting. It would probably be best if you came over & paid me a visit, grabbed a few cleaning utensils & gave me a hand around the house, there are plenty of things that need doing that seem to have been neglected since I started all this again but I could try and explain what I’m upto while…

Well, there’s that mountain of dishes for a start and the kitchen sink is within earshot and then there’s rather a lot of recycing stuff that needs sorting & putting out,

(& while you’re deciding what goes where you might get to hear me thinking out loud as to what is the best EW shot of the day – so far we’ve got Stonehaugh @ Bev 4.25 or Reve De Nuit @ Hayd 3.25 – is, or whether they’re worth having a go at at all but)

the hall is within earshot too & perhaps then I’ll be able to reach the toilet without my hiking boots. Ah! Then there’s that little pile of black smelly bags, that’s where I put my rubbish and that can go out too but you’ll have to do that first in order to reach the sink.

Perhaps then you’ll be able to see to those browning (what used to be so green & colourful) things of decay that adorn every window sill. Anyway, collection day is Tuesday so anytime before that would be just dandy. Hell, I dunno about this forum but you could certainly play a vital part round here!:D

3rd July 2010, 13:07
but you could certainly play a vital part round here!:D

Godspot certainly does that, he's the forum penis, and we all know that's a vital part.. :laugh

Anyway, now we've dropped to the usual level of forum humour, welcome aboard!

3rd July 2010, 14:42
Hi Carolyn,

...It would probably be best if you came over & paid me a visit, grabbed a few cleaning utensils & ...

shoved them exactly where a post like that one from Godspot deserves... :ass2

Most of us are quite civil but there are one or two who are a couple of pins short of a yankee :crazy:

3rd July 2010, 17:03
Most of us are quite civil

& some even have a sense of humour!:rolleyes:

3rd July 2010, 17:44
& some even have a sense of humour!:rolleyes:
Not in the UK we don't .... it's against the law :ooo

3rd July 2010, 23:06
& some even have a sense of humour!:rolleyes:

My sense of humour is quite intact, thank you - I'm just not a great fan of mysoginist jokes (or any other kind of discriminatory crap). But feel free to neg rep me as often as you wish...:rolleyes:

3rd July 2010, 23:54
Is it any surprise that this forum has such a low number of contributing new members when of all the forum/threads to choose, you decide to criticise/argue/bicker amongst yourselves on THIS.......the 'Introduce Yourself' one.

No wonder Maddi hasn't bothered to reply. Can't possibly think why.
Doubt if we'll hear from her again, not only because of GodSpot's post, but the rest of the posts in this forum/thread don't exactly encourage new members to post again.....ie for someone who wants to join this forum with let's hope good intention, and future contribution in mind, only to receive reply posts of innuendo and utter crap, hardly makes for increasing the member count does it?

OK, in-house humour is the most probable excuse/reason for the replies posted.....but 99% of the time it's not going to work on someone who has no idea who anybody is on the forum, but wants to join and contribute to what this forum is all about, ie Horse Racing and Sport, if anyone's forgotten.
Then let's stop trying to be funny or smutty, or make silly remarks about existing members......why not welcome these new members with a bit of decorum and respect, with the hope that they may treat us with the same respect and become long term contributors.

We're ALL guilty of this.....members and Mods alike.....so if this forum is to maintain and/or increase it's membership, rather than lose it.......let's THINK of more constructive ways to welcome and encourage new members to stay on board, rather than frighten them off with a load of unfunny crap and bickering in reply to their very first post.

7th July 2010, 21:34
It is a little ironic that i have just read Adas above post ,after replying to a question from a new member on my mick 56 bets thread.Apart from this i have not made any posts for awhile on other parts of the forum.

Adas above is IMO a well argued and relevant post and the points made should be considered by all.Personally as some of my posts evidence i like the good natured banter between members but certainly except that this is not to everyone's taste or interest,and it is perhaps best to feel your way in regarding humour with new and indeed long term members.

A forum is diffrent things to different members but as Ada states this is publicised as a racing/betting site and i feel that the momentum has been slowing with regards these topics and hence eventally my own losing of interest.

Having looked at other racing forums i belive this one scores in the respect that in comparison members do have respect for each other and thier differing opinions and that is to the credit of all ,but i would dearly like us to re find our way with regards to horse racing and betting posts and the feed back and interest these bring.

I have tried many times to get the above by starting topics mostly without response and i blamed myself and excepted that mine was a minority view.
But Adas post gives me hope that we can turn this round.

There are so many knowledgeable members on this site with so much to offer it is a shame when this goes to waste.It is the responsibility of ALL members to turn this round so lets have a go.