View Full Version : Auto-Sys - the future

22nd September 2010, 14:23
I'm seriously considering winding Auto-Sys up as it's not attracting anything like enough interest to make it worth my while. Factoring in the maintenance effort as well as the time taken to upload the qualifiers I am providing this service in return for a few pence an hour. It's simply not worth my time any more.

I'm not saying it's definitely all over but I am going to need some good reasons and/or strong persuading to keep it going.

I will ponder potential alternatives but I think it is only fair to warn you that the service may end soon.

22nd September 2010, 16:35
Good for u bud...

To be honest, I don't see why this site is up at all......

22nd September 2010, 18:46
To be honest, I don't see why this site is up at all......It seems that half the time I try to use it it's not :rolleyes:

22nd September 2010, 23:28
Good for u bud...

To be honest, I don't see why this site is up at all......

Because it makes money :doh

I'm sorting the servers out Mat... it'll take a few days to move 1/2 the MySQL DB's over to a new one.

22nd September 2010, 23:30
Because it makes money :doh

I'm sorting the servers out Mat... it'll take a few days to move 1/2 the MySQL DB's over to a new one.

Will that make it super-duper quick then, like before in the olden days?

23rd September 2010, 11:28
Shoule be a bit quicker now I've moved one 1.3GB database off :yikes:

23rd September 2010, 13:14
Mat, maybe it would be easier to just sell it or is that not really an option? Perhaps a discount rate to all current users then another price for anyone else who'd be interested in it down the line?

23rd September 2010, 13:34
Mat, maybe it would be easier to just sell it or is that not really an option? Perhaps a discount rate to all current users then another price for anyone else who'd be interested in it down the line?This was something I originally wanted to pursue but it became a bit of a nightmare. The RP were constantly tinkering with the code behind the scenes (and still do tinker to some extent) and every time Auto-Sys would need to be fixed once it was clear what changes had been made. With that in mind it would be far more hassle for me to fix the code, upload a new version and make sure everyone is using that version than it is currently for me to just fix my version and upload the qualifiers.

Add in the fact that different people have different ebooks and I can only supply Auto-Sys to those who have purchased the corresponding ebook and you can see that I either need to have a different version of Auto-Sys for every possible combination of ebooks or a separate version for each ebook. Either way it's multiple versions to update every time the RP change their code.

It's not going to work, unfortunately.

23rd September 2010, 13:58
Sounds like a nightmare given what you're getting out of it.

2nd October 2010, 10:45
Having spoken to Keith about this we have agreed a way forward, and while it may seem slightly counter-intuitive I think it is the right thing to do.

Auto-Sys is now FREE for anyone who owns the corresponding Win2Win eBook. So if you own a copy of NH Quickfire, for example, you can access the Auto-Sys qualifiers for the NH Quickfire systems for free. :thumbs

There is a slight catch though - Auto-Sys will be discontinued as soon as the RP make a significant update to their code. If I can't counteract any RP code changes with a quick fix to the Auto-Sys code then I will pull the plug and Auto-Sys will be no more, so make the most of it while you can. I have no idea when these RP changes will happen so I honestly can't say how long you'll have free access to Auto-Sys for - it could be days, it could be months. But it's FREE so you can hardly complain, eh?

As I said, a slightly odd move bearing in mind I said I wasn't making more than a few pence per hour and by making it FREE I obviously won't even earn that but if I am charging for something I want to deliver a certain level of customer service, which means making sure the service you've paid for is available whenever you need it and I can no longer guarantee that for Auto-Sys so by making it FREE I can drop that customer service promise.

If you have any questions about how to sign up or renew your Auto-Sys subscription, talk to Keith.