View Full Version : Local networks & file sharing

29th October 2010, 15:12
I have two PCs (a WinXP desktop and a Vista laptop) on a wireless network at home. The internet connection is shared via a cable modem/router and works fine - both can access the internet. There is an external hard drive attached (via USB) to the desktop that the laptop used to be able to see and access but no longer can. This has been the case for several months now and I'd really like to get it sorted out.

- The desktop can ping the laptop but the laptop cannot ping the desktop (request timed out)
- Both desktop and laptop can ping themselves (localhost and loopback IP address as well as their own static IP address)
- tracert times out at every step on the laptop trying to connect to the desktop
- The laptop appears in the network neighbourhood thingy for the desktop but the desktop doesn't show up on the laptop (which is why I tried the ping route)
- The laptop is running Windows Firewall; the desktop uses ZoneAlarm free version. I have tried disabling firewalls on both but the ping still fails and I can't access the desktop from the laptop

Any ideas as to how I can get these two machines on the same network and in the same workgroup (I checked that) to see one another rather than the communication just being a one-way thing?

29th October 2010, 15:35
Mat, can you see the Windows XP desktop in Vistas Network Map diagram at all?

29th October 2010, 16:13
Ok, where's Vistas Network Map? The XP desktop is my PC, the Vista laptop belongs to the missus and I rarely use it so I don't know Vista very well at all

29th October 2010, 16:35
Ok, where's Vistas Network Map? The XP desktop is my PC, the Vista laptop belongs to the missus and I rarely use it so I don't know Vista very well at all

It is in Control Panel Mat. See this picture (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_TIZhV7JBmcw/Sok-gsrOISI/AAAAAAAAAZ0/72wp4thh2qU/s720/7b2406a4bb041e19dd64ced67722631e.jpg).

Apparently there is an issue with XP where it can need a patch for a Vista computer to be able to see it. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922120

I recall networking my XP laptop and my sisters Vista PC a few years ago but cannot remember totally how! One thing you might also have to do is add a network on a firewall to a trusted zone.Have a look at the above and if you are still having problems, let me know and Ill ask someone who has done this, should then sort it.:smile:

29th October 2010, 18:29
I've already added the laptop by IP address and the subnet (just to be on the safe side) to the trusted zone in ZoneAlarm on the desktop.

I have checked the network map and the XP desktop wasn't showing. I have now installed the LLTD driver on the XP box and it appears on the Vista network map. Still can't get the two talking properly though - ping still fails and I can't access the desktop via a file manager either

29th October 2010, 18:33
Ok Mat, bear with me, I'll get back to you.

29th October 2010, 19:52
Ok Mat, bear with me, I'll get back to you.:heartshape1:

29th October 2010, 21:07
He hasn't got back to me yet Mat but does this help at all?


30th October 2010, 09:16
Vista's networking is different than XP, and W7's is a pain in the :butthead: ..... my main W7 PC just stopped talking outbound to all my other PC's and I can't find out why :ermmm

Change the computer Name, as this resets all the network stuff to default, this usually clears out any crap.

30th October 2010, 10:29
Been having another look at this again this morning. The laptop can ping bbc.co.uk (as can the desktop) so ping etc is working fine on the laptop. Which suggests that something on the desktop is blocking incoming ping connections but I can't see what. The whole subnet is in the trusted zone on ZoneAlarm but could there be something in the underlying OS that is blocking incoming ping requests on the desktop?

30th October 2010, 10:32
I ought to point out too that my Windows Firewall on the desktop is screwed. Not sure what happened to it but it went t!ts up a few months back when I picked up a nasty malware infection and has never been right since. Could there be something screwy with my networking too?

30th October 2010, 11:08
Pretty sure it's the desktop at fault now and would really love to resolve this issue and get Windows Firewall up and running again. I know there are better firewalls out there but if I can get the inbuilt one working it suggests my networking and shared access is at least OK on the desktop.

I've seen various posts on forums advising running "cmd /k netsh firewall reset" after updating the registry with some sharedaccess stuff, which I have done but it hasn't solved anything.

I was going to uninstall and reinstall SP3 but it won't let me - I don't have the option to uninstall in the Add/Remove Programs dialog.

I think I know now why I didn't solve this issue when it first raised it's head a few months back after my desktop picked up that malware infection :thumbsdown:

30th October 2010, 11:42
If the XP desktop Windows firewall is turned off, this shouldn't interfere should it...unless it is corrupted? Just got a email back and he has told me I helped him do it...see what happens when you get old! :ooo Can you not remove SP3 even if you tick show updates in add/remove programs? I have some more sites for Vista/Xp networking but it sounds like you have done that OK. One thing he says is that his XP computer has to be on before he boots up Vista machine otherwise he gets communication problems, I recall this as well I think.

30th October 2010, 12:07
If the XP desktop Windows firewall is turned off, this shouldn't interfere should it...unless it is corrupted?That's the thing, I think something underpinning the firewall is broken.

Can you not remove SP3 even if you tick show updates in add/remove programs?Nope. It's listed in there but there is no Change/Remove option. I have since found another way to do it and although it took a while it has worked and removed SP3. It's taken a few things like video drivers with it too though so I am working at a nasty resolution on the desktop at the mo while I wait for the automatic updates to download and install.

Removing SP3 has allowed me to fix the firewall on the XP box though and I now have the Vista laptop talking to the XP desktop :happyboun Just need to bring the desktop back up to date and hope it all keeps working after that now :ooo

30th October 2010, 12:27
Good news Mat, keep us informed. :smile:

30th October 2010, 12:28
The desktop is now installing 59! updates :yikes:

30th October 2010, 12:59
Updates mostly installed - a couple failed for some reason but no matter. I also updated the dodgy video driver that seemed to have been affected by uninstalling SP3 so I now have both monitors running at a proper resolution again.

And even better - the laptop can see the desktop :happyboun

Thanks for your help guys :heartshape1:

30th October 2010, 13:34
Well done Mat, nice one. :thumbs

30th October 2010, 13:35
I was just about to tell you how to fix it, but looks like you have done it :wink: :biggrin:

31st October 2010, 09:38
I was just about to tell you how to fix it, but looks like you have done it :wink: :biggrin:
Would that have included sellotape and the middle of a toilet roll by any chance? :doh

31st October 2010, 11:29
Would that have included sellotape and the middle of a toilet roll by any chance? :doh

:laugh Does vegy have a Blue Peter badge?

31st October 2010, 12:21
I must admit this is still giving me a little bit of grief. The network sharing works still (yay!) but getting my machine back up to date and working properly is a major pain in the you-know-what. After uninstalling SP3 I reinstalled a whole batch of Windows updates and this morning I did the same with another batch, and reinstalled SP3 too. But that all broke IE8 which in turn stopped Auto-Sys working due to an ActiveX web browser control in the s/sheet and it's been driving me mad :headbange I have uninstalled IE8 now and it seems to be OK again - for the time being...