View Full Version : Labour 'may back' detention cut

Win2Win Racing
21st November 2010, 03:43
Shadow home secretary Ed Balls says Labour may be ready to back coalition moves to cut the pre-charge detention period for terror suspects to 14 days.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-politics-11804899)

21st November 2010, 10:28
We may as well rename them 'Freedom Fighters' and help train them :doh1:

21st November 2010, 12:42
Anti-terrorism law arrests fail to secure convictions

By Nigel Morris, Deputy Political Editor
Friday, 13 August 2010

Just one person in eight arrested under anti-terror laws is eventually found guilty and the proportion was even lower last year, new research has disclosed.

The low conviction rates prompted calls last night from lawyers and civil liberties groups for the "draconian" and "overbroad" legislation to be overhauled. The coalition Government has promised to review its anti-terror measures, including the controversial power to hold suspects for up to 28 days before they are charged.

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In the 10 years since the Terrorism Act came into force, 22 per cent of suspects arrested under its provisions were charged, and less than 13 per cent were subsequently convicted. The ratio fell further last year, according to the statistics compiled by the legal information service Sweet & Maxwell. In 2009 the number charged was 11 per cent and the conviction rate was down to less than 4 per cent.