View Full Version : Happy Christmas....

24th December 2010, 00:06
...to one and all, hope you have good 'un wherever that may be! :smile:

24th December 2010, 14:10
Yep, I echo Scooby's comments above.

Have a peaceful and happy time and, above all.....enjoy!!!! :thumbs

Cheers :drinkme


24th December 2010, 17:21
Hi All,

HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all the forum members, moderators and oh yes the boss :icon_sorry: Keith :thumbs


24th December 2010, 17:29
Merry christmas everyone - enjoy the traditional chaos of trying to follow 8 race meetings on Boxing Day.

Oh! Just Fontwell and Wolves then :(

24th December 2010, 22:46
hope everyone has a great time, merry christmas.

24th December 2010, 23:44
Merry Christmas all. Have a good one.

25th December 2010, 01:03
Happy Xmas everyone.... I'm really going to enjoy diggin my car out :doh1:

25th December 2010, 02:22
Happy christmas to all my fellow forum chumites. :santa:

May you all have a happy holiday and get what Santa Claus brings you.

And if you are suffering heartache or sadness at this time, may you remember that the new year wil soon be upon us, a time for beginning afresh and putting days gone by to one side.


25th December 2010, 02:24
Oh, and may everyone start posting more to the foru, and all the members who have been away make a return, even if it be brief, to let us know they are well and good.

And for those that are no longer with us, may we remember them, those that we know of and those that perhaps we don't. :heartshape1:

25th December 2010, 09:27
Woohoo..... Santa's been and left me a present :happyboun ..... and expensive bar of Dairy Milk :doh :rolleyes:

Well at least it hasn't snowed :heartshape1:

25th December 2010, 09:42
A safe and merry xmas to all

25th December 2010, 10:12

26th December 2010, 01:58
Happy boxing day to ALL