View Full Version : Formula 1 Sweepstake Game - 2011 Season

8th February 2011, 14:26
I am prepared and willing to run a Formula 1 Sweepstake Game throughout the 2011 season (with a prize for the end of season winner) PROVIDING there are sufficient numbers of people wanting to take part.

I am setting the MINIMUM number of people required to start the game on Wednesday 23rd March at TWELVE (12)
The total number of players is not limited to 12.......more than 12 players would be greatly appreciated.

I know it's a big ask, but if you DO want to take part please register your interest here on this thread, and/or in the attached poll.

If there are 12 or more people who have registered an interest by midnight Sunday 20th March, then the game will go ahead.....if not the game will be scrapped immediately.

NOTE....the game will ALSO be scrapped if a minimum of 12 people register to play but subsequently LESS than 12 ACTUALLY take part in the first race........so no time wasters please.

Please also post any questions, queries or comments you may have, here.


8th February 2011, 15:19

On the WEDNESDAY before each race I will post up an excel spreadsheet from which your randomly chosen driver(s) will be revealed.
There are 24 drivers (I hope) competing in the 2011 F1 season, however, the spreadsheet contains 25 slots.
24 of the slots quite obviously contain the 24 drivers’ names. The other slot contains the SAFETY CAR.

Anyone is welcome to join the game at any time.
There is no limit to the number of players, only the number of F1 drivers !

Points will be awarded to players as follows:
At the end of each race, players holding the names of the points scoring driver(s), (the first ten finishers), will score the SAME amount of points that are awarded to their named driver(s)…..

1st = 25pts
2nd = 18pts
3rd = 15pts
4th = 12pts
5th = 10pts
6th = 8pts
7th = 6pts
8th = 4pts
9th = 2pts
10th = 1pt
The player holding the SAFETY CAR will have 20pts ADDED to their total if the SAFETY CAR IS deployed during the race.
However they will LOSE 20pts from their total if the SAFETY CAR is NOT deployed during the race.

Each day between Wednesday and Friday before each race, players may pick and post ONE number between 1 and 25 on the game thread (first come first served).
Players may continue to pick/post ONE number each day (first come first served) until ALL the numbers have been allocated.
Players may NOT post retrospectively, ie if a player fails to pick/post a number on, say, Wednesday, they CANNOT pick/post two numbers on Thursday.
Only ONE number can be picked each day.

I will then PM (or Email) you 2 PASSWORDS.....the first (SHEET PASSWORD) will give you access to the spreadsheet, and the second (NUMBER PASSWORD) will correspond to the number you have chosen..

I will add a second spreadsheet for those players who cannot or don't want to have to open the main sheet.
This second sheet will have just the 1 password needed to open it.
The password will be posted in the game thread once ALL the driver numbers have been picked.

If you want to keep your selection(s) to yourself, that's fine.....but if you want to disclose/share/discuss your selection(s) with other players, please feel free to do so on the game thread.

PLEASE NOTE: At the end of each race, if your driver(s) finish in the points you must reveal yourself as the 'owner' of the driver(s) concerned in order to get the points awarded added to your score.

If you fail to identify yourself as the 'owner' of a point scoring driver then the points will go 'unclaimed' and no points will be awarded.

However, if you reveal the identity of your drivers before/during the race in thread posts/discussions, then there is no need to identify yourself again at the end of the race.....points will automatically be awarded as appropriate.

At the end of each race I will post an updated Results and Leaders Table.
The player who has amassed the most points at the end of the season will win an Amazon Voucher.

8th February 2011, 16:53
Count me in Ada

8th February 2011, 18:54
I'll be more than happy to try and defend the title

8th February 2011, 21:36
I could try and take part this year again Ada, but I've a lot of personal stuff going on, moving to Ireland in a couple of weeks, quit my job, and looking for something over there ASAP, so thats going to be my priority. Count me in to start with anyway if you like, and I'll do my best to take part.

10th February 2011, 01:20
I could try and take part this year again Ada, but I've a lot of personal stuff going on, moving to Ireland in a couple of weeks, quit my job, and looking for something over there ASAP, so thats going to be my priority. Count me in to start with anyway if you like, and I'll do my best to take part. :yikes: Wow, things have moved mightily speedily for you BigC, but glad that you seem to have found a little happiness. Are you staying in the world of BioChemistry. You're colleagues must be a bit shocked... you've been there since the lord our savious was put on the cross.

Sorry to hijack the thread Ada, I just didn't know that BigC had taken things to this level.

But by the way, I am deffo in, but I fear with the lack of activity on the forum a present, that not enough people are going to join...

Please join if you see this. :heartshape1:

10th February 2011, 14:50
I'm in Ada thanks :smile:

10th February 2011, 22:11
We've got nearly a whole month to get 5 more players. Surely this canbe done. :biggrin:

12th February 2011, 20:32
Just bringing this to the top of the new posts...

21st February 2011, 01:53
Just bringing this to the top of the new posts... ...with the slim hope someone else may express an interest....

21st February 2011, 13:33
Yeah looks like it wont be happening eh.

22nd February 2011, 14:39
The opening race of the season scheduled for 13th March in Bahrain has now been called off due to the recent civil unrest there.

The first race of the season will now be in Melbourne Australia on 27th March.

This obviously extends the game registration deadline to midnight Sunday 20th March and the game start date (if at all) to Wednesday 23rd March....so if you're interested please register here...we still need at least 6 more players to take part for the game to go ahead.

14th March 2011, 20:10
Just bringing this to the top of the new posts...

...for one last time, with the slim hope someone else may express an interest....at least 6 more players are needed for the game to go ahead.

The poll attached to this thread is now closed, so please register your interest in playing by replying here.
Registration closes at midnight on Sunday 20th March.


15th March 2011, 09:13
I'm in mate :biggrin::biggrin:

21st March 2011, 01:12
Many thanks to those of you who wanted to take part.......but unfortunately, due to such a dismal lack of interest overall, the game is now binned and will not take place.


21st March 2011, 10:00
Dismal sums it up Ada.... seems you can't give money away even in this current financial climate... thanks for taking the time and effort to try and drum up interest in the game.