View Full Version : Britons in Libya 'helped to move'

Win2Win Racing
21st February 2011, 02:06
British nationals in eastern Libya are being helped to reach a "place of safety", according to the Foreign Office.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-12519284)

21st February 2011, 09:50
DEJA VU!!!! It's like watching a repeat of Egypt :doh1: ..... Even Siaf's speech was a carbon copy!!! If the army turns, he's gone, although it appears they've already trashed the state TV station.

23rd February 2011, 13:44
Got back Yesterday still have 3 Colleagues stuck there but hopefully catching a plane from Gatwick tonight.
The last night i was there constant gunfire from about 2am till midday coming from Tripoli centre, Lots of tanks heading into centre as well. Spoke to mate out there on Skype and the story about planes and choppers shooting people is ::swear he hast seen one chopper over Tripoli

23rd February 2011, 17:10
The Libayan government has admitted bombing inner city areas from the air, but only arms dumps .... or so they say. We also have the 2 pilots with their Migs's in Malta say they had orders to shoot.