View Full Version : ...and I'm off

4th April 2011, 22:51
Here I am at the starting post, ready to excahnge ideas and tips with you. Hope you are in the line up also.

My thing is horse racing and I am always looking for new angles to gain an edge that will make my betting pay. My opinion is that new angles are essential to make money in this sport. Nothing stays the smae in life, including horse racing. What makes you a profit today, will not necessarily do so a week from now.

That said there are a few 'factors' that I have successfully applied for several years. They are guidelines, not absolutes; I use them as deciders when considering several horses in a race.

#1 Be wary of horses with more than one form of headgear. That's a few too many problems the horse has. It might work but I prefer to 'wait and see'.

#2 Horses that fell in any of the last two races might need a few more races to regain their nerve, especially if it was a bad fall. With two or three other horses under consideration I will always reject a recent faller. (Yes some do win, but not that many).

#3 Horses that last ran more than two seasons ago are likely to be left wanting against horses more active in the current and previous season. I always go against such horses, unless there is a good reason not to. (I have not found one yet).

Okay these are factors are likely to raise a few disparaging comments and that's good. I like different points of view and you probsblly have some great ideas of your own to share.

Can I just point out that these factors are just something I use to help me make a final choice when I am faced with two or three horses in a race. They don't always split the contenders and I don't always need them; they just help on occassions.

Hope they are of some use to you.

5th April 2011, 09:41
Welcome to the forum :Helooo ... some good advice :thumbs

5th April 2011, 14:05
Welcome to the forum:laughitupsmilie:

6th April 2011, 16:38
Hello and welcome.