View Full Version : Thousands of addicts on benefits

Win2Win Racing
21st April 2011, 15:13
More than 80,000 people are claiming incapacity benefits because they have alcohol, drug or obesity problems, government figures show.

More... (http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/uk-politics-13152349)

21st April 2011, 16:59
As taxpayers we've been paying druggies and Alcky's Incapcity since the mid-90's, so good to see our taxes not being wasted and being used to buy illegal drugs and bottles of turps :rolleyes:

21st April 2011, 20:07
Its the fatties that annoy me, why should someone be on benefits because they are fat, they should lose weight Why should I have to pay taxes so they can use it to keep on buying too much food.

21st April 2011, 20:12
If that is true can anorexic's jump on the gravy train too? Although perhaps a gravy train would be more suitable for the obese than the anorexics!

21st April 2011, 21:21
Shouldn't we all be on it our 'gambling addiction'? :rolleyes:

25th April 2011, 21:14
It is crazy.
I know someone who can hardly breathe if he walks a few steps he is puffing and panting, yet he failed the medical for e.s.a and was put on jobseekers, he is 60 years old he has age and health against him, yet someone who is FAT can claim benefit???? They should get up and go to work, if they didn't sit on their ass all day stuffing their faces they wouldn't be so FAT

26th April 2011, 11:30
Shouldn't we all be on it our 'gambling addiction'? :rolleyes:

:hubbahubba: You are giving me ideas Keith!

28th April 2011, 08:10
I have 2 jobs and still cant afford a house, In fact I can't really even afford to rent a small flat and have a little bit of money in my pocket at the end of the week do do something with. However I do regularly notice that many people on benefits have their rent paid for a house I couldn't even imagine being able to afford to rent, drive better more expensive cars have much bigger weekly shopping trips in the supermarket, and have every week as a week of leisure.

Some are genuinely disabled, but personally I think most are very capable of work. - Sorry for the rant but it really gets on my nerves when I am exhausted at the end of a busy week and I see people on benefits just cruising around while claiming much more money than I can earn even by working silly hours. :voodoo::voodoo: ;fire;fire ::swear

28th April 2011, 10:28
Regardless of disabilty, you can still do some kind of work. How many of these 'disabled' folk sit at home on a computer all day as they can't work?? Well if you can use a computer you can make money :doh1:

I often wonder how Stephen Hawkings manages to get any work done with his problems. He can only twitch a few face muslces and yet manages to educate himself with something new every week, and writes numerous articles and books. Maybe when no one is looking he jumps out of the wheelchair and has a game of footy :biggrin: